Chapter Two

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2 and a half hours later Ashley's bus came, it was now 5:30am.

She then got up, grabbed her things, and stretched her legs.

Ashley then walked over to her bus and showed the driver her ticket.

"Go ahead and take a seat wherever you'd like," the bus driver said.

"How long is the drive from Houston TX to Hollywood CA?" Ashley asked.

"23 hours, so about a day and half because of stops and breaks."

Ashley then took a window seat in the middle of the bus towards the back and waited for the rest of the people to take their seats.


A few hours later into the drive the bus driver had stopped at a gas station to get gas and for everyone on the bus to go to the bathroom and what ever else.

Ashley just stayed in her seat. She was eager to be far away from 'that place'

She then pulled out her phone and stared at a BVB picture and thought to herself, "Wow this is really happening, I escaped!"

The bus driver and the rest of the people returned and he continued driving. After staring out the window and listening to music she soon fell asleep... she was tired from being up all night.


"Ma'm we're here" Ashley heard as she felt a tap on her shoulder. She woke up and rubbed her eyes.

Ashley then grabbed her things and as she walked of the bus she said "Thank You" to the bus driver.

"Your welcome, stay safe kiddo." He replied back. She nodded and took a can to the nearest hotel.

When she arrived, she walked to the front desk and said "a room for one please"

The lady at the front desk then said "Okay," she gave her a room key as Ashley gave her the money.

Ashley walked to her room, unpacked her stuff, grabbed her bag, and set off to find a job.

After walking around for a while and applying for alot of places she came across an abandoned venue.

She saw someone who looked like her mothers boyfriend. She then got nervous and fainted.

The last thing she heard was "Jinxx call an ambulance!! Hurry!!"

*Ashley's P.O.V*

I woke up half asleep and very confused.

"What the?? Where the hell am I?!?!" I said to myself.

"In the hospital." I heard a quite familiar voice say.

She just sat there confused.

The voice chuckled and said "Get some rest, your gonna be okay, we're gonna take care of you"

I then fell back asleep. Honestly I didn't care who it was as long as it wasn't my mother or her boyfriend.


I woke up with a terrible headache and pain where I was beaten.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Jake Pitts!

I must be dreaming. The doctors must've really drugged me up. I said,

Jake chuckled and said "No, you're awake."

"How'd this happen, how am I in the hospital with Jake Fucking Pitts?!?!" I replied.

"Well, I'm not sure what happened to you, but I saw you passed out in front of the venue we're playing at tomorrow." Jake replied,

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