Chapter Eighteen

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I tried calling Andy about a billion times and I have not yet gotten any response. Andrea was tired so I put her to bed first, then I went to shower and get dressed. When I was done I glanced at the clock it read 10:48pm and Andy still wasn't home. I tried calling him a few more times and as before straight to voicemail. I began to worry a little more. Then finally I was scared out of my mind. I went around to see if anyone was home. No one. Something must really be wrong.

I waited and waited on the couch. Staring at my phone with my face in my hands I just sat here and waited until finally I heard a key go inside the key hole and rattle the door. Everyone came in laughing and happy as ever. "Andy! Can I talk to you upstairs?!" I said angrily. "Oooh.. Andy.. You must be in some deep shit bro" I heard CC say.  "You bet your ass he is." I said stomping up the stairs. Andy followed.

I slammed the door behind him "WHERE IN THE FUCK WERE YOU!!! ITS ALMOST 12:00am!! I WAS WORRIED SICK!" I yelled. "Calm down, I was at shoot, it ran late, we all got hungry and went out to eat. I had to have my phone off during the shoot and I forgot to turn it back on after" he explained "AND NOBODY ELSE'S PHONE WORKED?!!! IT DIDNT CROSS YOUR MIND TO CALL ME NOT ONCE?!!!" I yelled "IM SORRY! I DIDNT SAY SHIT WHEN YOU WERE GONE YESTERDAY!!" he yelled "YOU BETTER NOT BE RAISING YOUR FUCKING VOICE AT ME! BY THE WAY I WAS GONE TILL 9 ITS ALMOST 1 IN THE FUCKING MORNING!" I yelled. "I told you things with tours and shoots are going to be coming up and that I wont always be able to be on my phone. what's the worst that could've happened anyways!!!!" he said "YOU KNOW WHAT I AM TRYING TO FIT INTO THIS PERFECT LITTLE WORLD OF YOURS!" I said started to cry, my voice cracked and I had fallen to the floor. He sat next to me and held me.

"Im sorry, I should have called and I know you're trying your best. I am too. From now on my phone will always be on. I promise babe. I love you" He told me so sweetly. "I love you too" I said sniffling. I got up and fell to the floor. Next thing I knew I was out...

***Andy's P.O.V***

Oh my god!! "Someone!! Someone call the 911 or something!! Help!!" I screamed holding Ashley's face up. Then Jake rushed into the room "Dud what happened?!!" he asked "I don't know just go get help! Please Jake!" I said starting to tear up. "Calm down bro I called 911 before I even came up here!" he said as everyone else rushed in. Then we heard the sirens in the distance. Sammi went to go open the door for the ambulance they picked her up and put her in the ambulance.

They let me and Jake go in the ambulance the others followed behind us in the car.

--A few hours later--

***Andy's P.O.V***

We have all been waiting for hours now, till finally the doctor came out...

"Mr.Biersack" he called out, i jumped up to him. "whats wrong with her?" i asked.

"Calm down, she is awake... But she cant see anyone for a few more hours. The reason she passed out was becuase she has been too stressed out. I had a chat with her she hasnt been sleeping enough, drinking enough water, eating enough food, and over all she is stressed. Her being stressed is bad enough for Ashley but her body can not continue to function properly withall of these things going on. Its building up and Ashley's body isnt full recovered from self harm, anorexia, and the birth" he explained.

I took a deep sigh full of relief and worry... "when can she go home? I asked

"If i let her go home tomorrow you have to keep her on bed rest, i mean she can only get up to go to the bathrrom and shower otherwise she cannot leave the bed, her body is too weak to handle to much moving around. She can only have healthy foods and lots of water." he explained i nodded and walked over to everyone.

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