Chapter Fifteen

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***Andy's P.O.V***

I woke up with the sun shining in my eyes from the window, I got up and stretched my arms out.

I glanced over at Ashley's face, I smiled, kissed her, and went to hop into the shower.

When I was finished I left Ashley a note on her night stand saying...

Hey Babe, im leaving to make the down payment for the house. Im taking Andrea with me I don't want her to wake you, so don't freak out when you see she's gone. I love you see ya when I get back...

After I left the note on her night stand and went to get Andrea dressed, put her in the car, and we were off.

---A few hours or so later---

When I pulled up to the house I glanced at my watch it read 130pm, damn I thought ran a little bit longer than I expected... I unbuckled Andrea out of her car seat and walked inside to see Ella, Sammi, and Ashley sitting on the couch watching tv.

'Hey Babe, what took so long?" Ashley asked as she got up to get Andrea from my arms

"Sorry, I took Andrea to the park to feed the ducks after. I didn't wanna bother you or wake you. You've been worn out lately" I replied

She giggled and gave me a kiss on the cheek and said "Okay"

"When are you guys planning the wedding??" Ella asked with a huge smile

"We aren't very sure yet. we just bought the house and the baby is still new. There is so much stuff to be done I-I--" she cut me off and said "That's why you got me and Sammi silly"

I glanced at Ashley with a blank look, she gave me the nod. 'Okay. Sure. Why not...?" I replied to Ella.

Ella and Sammi smiled at each other.

"Yayyyy!!!!" they both screamed jumping up and down.

"Maybe we should hang out today....? With everything that's been going on I feel like we.... I just I don't know... lets do something as a group today and just relax" Ashley said.

"That's a good idea!!" Sammi said

"Hey, I hear there is a fair down at the beach" Ella said

"That's a few hours to drive but that sounds like some fun!" I replied.

Ashley went to put Andrea in the nursery then everyone went to there rooms to get ready and packed up.

As Ashley is packing Andreas bag I hugged her from behind and turned her around by the waste. She giggled while I kissed her. Her hand started to wonder around my back until she finally took off my shirt.

"How much time do we have until we have to leave?" Ashley asked

I glanced at the clock, "About 25 minutes" I replied

"Perfect" she said as she continued to kiss me. picked her up and laid her on the bed. I reached into my night stand drawer.....

--15-20 minutes later--

We both quickly threw our clothes on, grabbed our stuff, and rushed downstairs to get the baby. We put Andrea in her car seat and waited in the car for everyone, soon after we were on our way.

--- about 6 hours later---

***Ashley's P.O.V***

When we finally got home from a really long day I put Andrea to bed and everyone went to there rooms. I glanced at the clock it was 8:00pm.

When Andy and I got to our room, I plopped onto the bed and looked at all the pictures we took, "What an amazing day with my fiancé and daughter" Andy said with a smerk

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