Chapter Three

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*Ashley's P.O.V*

As I woke up, I sat up in bed, and realized I wasn't dreaming! "IT'S ALL REAL!" I shouted excitedly... I just couldn't believe this was actually happening!

"Did I just say that out loud?!" I said. Andy chuckled at me and "yes, you did."

He then got up and stretched. HE WAS SHIRTLESS😱

I didn't know what to do so I jumped under the covers, like an IDIOT.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't realize." He said as he chuckled at me. "Your pretty funny." He added

Great he thinks I'm an idiot, he probably thinks I'm a child too.


"Come in" Andy said. "Hey Ella, Hey Sammi, what's up??" He added as they walked into the door.

"Put on shirt, your probably giving Ash an awkward moment, haha" Ella said.

He then put on a shirt laughing.

Ella: we were wondering if Ashley wanted to go clothe shopping with us to get her some new clothes while you and jake went to go get her prescriptions.

Sammi: Also we thought you'd might want to get a new phone so your parents won't call anymore, Jake told us about that.

Ella: What do ya say?

Me: I can't let you guys buy me stuff. I don't need clothes or a new phone.

Sammi: pleaaaassseeee!!

Ella: we insist.

Andy: their not going to stop.

Me: okay, Okay, let me get dressed.

Ella: okay we'll wait for you down stairs.

Andy and I stared at each other for a moment,

"Do you mind??" I said to Andy

"Oh, HAHA, sorry" he said as he walked out the door.

*Andy's P.O.V*

As I walked down the stairs to the living room I thought to myself damn she's fuckin hilarious. I hope she doesn't think that I see her as a child.

"Hey dude, you ready??" Jake said

"Not yet, obviously I still need to get dressed. I have to wait for Ashley to finish getting ready. So I can go put some clothes on." I replied,


45 minutes later Ashley walked down stairs wearing a black long sleeve shirt and dark grey shorts. She had her hair in a cute high ponytail. WAIT! Did I just call her cute?!

"Stare much?! Haha!!" Ashley (Purdy) say

"I-I wasn't st-starring!" I said

I saw Ashley start to blush. Sammi and Ella grabbed her to save her from the awkward moment, they took her outside to the car and they left.

I walked up the stairs sort of embarrassed.

I can't believe I was caught starring at Ashley. I'm not sure how I feel about her, as far as I'm concerned we're just friends. Eh, I'm confused. I'll think on it as we get to know each other, I did only meet her yesterday,

I walked into our room and tripped over her suitcase and her bag. I wondered why she didnt take her bag, she takes it everywhere with her, oh well. Maybe I should finish unpacking for her.

I began hanging her shirts on her side of the closet. Then I came across a shirt with blood all over one sleeve. I then suspiciously ignored it and continued hanging her shirts, later I opened the last zipper to her suitcase and saw 7 razor blades!! It can't be!! Why would she?!?!!?

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