Chapter Ten

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***Ashley's P•O•V***

I sat in the bathroom. I didn't know what else to do but sit there.

"Can I come in?" I heard Andy say while he knocked on the door.

"No. Please just get me Sammi and Ella!!" I shouted.

"Let me come in Ashley!" I heard Andy yell.

I locked the door.

"Is it because of the guys? They were just kidding" he said.

"It's not anyone. It's me !! Please. If you want to help me please just get me Sammi and Ella. There are the only ones who can help me" I begged.

A few moments later I heard Sammi and Ella knock on the door.

I unlocked it and let them in. Before Andy got the chance to come in I shut the door and locked it.

"What's wrong with you?!" Ella asked.

"Ya. What's going on?!" Sammi asked.

"I don't know if this can be real but I have morning sickness and I don't think Andy used a condom last night." I said.

"I -I think I-I'm...." I started to say when Ella cut me off

She tried to calm me down and make a joke out of it by saying "ASHLEY IS WITH CHILD!?" And put her hands in the air.

"Quiet!! I don't want Andy to freak out about something that might not be true." I said. I giggle a little bit. I was more worried.

"First off I didn't even know you and Andy took it that far. But if he's the father of this child he has to know what's going on" Sammi said.

"I-I can't f-face him" I said putting my head down.

"Okay. We can take care of it. I'm gonna explain to him and ask him to go buy you some pregnancy tests" Sammi said while Ella nodded.

***Ella's P•O•V***

Me and Sammi walked out the bathroom and Ashley ran upstairs to her room. We could her the door slam from downstairs.

Right before Andy got the chance to chase after her we held him back.

"I wanna know what the hell is going on !!!" And shouted.

"Listen. Um... Ashley told us you guys um... Ya... You get it" I started to say.

"Ya. What about it" Andy said.

"Well. Ashley said you guys didn't use protection the last time. She thinks she may be pregnant" Sammi said.

Andy took a deep breathe.

"That's all? Nothing else is wrong?" Andy said slightly relieved.

"Yes" I said.

"We need you to go get some pregnancy tests for her" Sammi said.

"How the fuck am I suppose to find them. I don't know what they look like. You guys go. I need to be with Ashley" Andy said.

"No. She doesn't want you right now. I'm sorry. You'll figure it out please just go." I begged Andy.

He grabbed his keys and ran out the door.

Me and Sammi went up stairs to check on Ashley.

"He went to get what you need" I said as me and Sammi walked in.

"How did he take the news" she asked.

"He's fine. He just wants to see you" Sammi replied.

Andy busted through the door with a huge bag in his hand.

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