Chapter Four

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*Andy's P.O.V*

I woke up after a goodnights sleep and got up and stretched. I glanced at the bed and Ashley wasn't there!! Where'd she go?! I ran downstairs, "where's Ashley?!" I shouted "calm down, she went out with Sammi and Ella to go shopping for the house." Jinxx said. "Oh..." I said sort of embarrassed. I can't believe I flipped out because she was missing, she does live with six other people, not just me.

"Hey Andy, can I talk to you upstairs for a sec??" Jake asked me. "For sure man." I replied. We both walked up the stairs and into my room. "What's up bro?? Is anything wrong??" I asked. "Nothing's wrong I just wanted to talk to you about something." He said. "Go on." I replied. "Look, don't be mad but it's obvious at you like Ashley and I think she may like you a little bit too. You guys should hang out more." He said. I gave him a blank stare. "Umm... maybe.... but What would we do tho...???" I asked.

"Take her out for dinner or lunch," he suggested "we'll that's a start. Maybe I'll ask her when she gets home." I told him. "Sounds good." Jake said as he walked out my door. Oh wow, shit just got real! I thought to myself as I heard Ashley and the girls walk though the front door. I ran downstairs, still no Ashley!! "If your looking for her she's in the Sammi's room hangin out with the girls," CC told me. I didn't want to seem overprotective of Ashley so I went upstairs to shower.

*Sammi's P.O.V*

As Ashley, Ella, and I sat on my bed I said "hey ash can Ella and I talk to you about something??" "Sure... What's up??" She replied kind of anxious of what we were going to say. "Look, it's totally obvious that Andy likes you and I can tell you sort of like him." I began to say as Ella continued " he is always looking for, he is so protective of you, and he's defensive/overprotective of you especially around the guys." "What are you insinuating? What are you two upto??" Ashley replied. "All we're saying is be a little more open towards him" Sammi said. "There's this thing called flirting and showing off a little skin, you should try it." Ella added "uhhhhh.... Ya no...... Nice try." She said. "Okay, but remember Ella and I have our ways." I said with a mischievous grin as Ella chuckled. She ignored me and and walked out the door.

*Ashley's P.O.V*

I walked up stairs to my room. I opened the door only to slam it shut! Andy was completely naked!!! "I'm SO SORRY!! I should've knocked" I yelled from behind the door. I ran downstairs and into Sammi's room before I got the chance to hear what Andy said back.

I slammed Sammi's door shut. "What's wrong?!" She said "I-I walked in on Andy butt naked!!" I told her and all her and Ella did was giggle. I gave them both a death stare and said "it's not even funny!!"


"It's Andy, can I talk to Ashley??" He said from the other side of the door, I nodded towards the girls. "Yea, she'll be right out." They replied to Andy "No!! What the hell are you guys doing?! It's gonna be SUPER AWKWARD!!" I whispered to them. "Too late, now go he's waiting." Ella said.

I walked out the door so embarrassed and followed Andy upstairs to our room. "About what happened..." He began to say as I cut him off. "I'm super sorry!! I should've knocked!!" I told him. "It's okay from now I'll get dressed in the bathroom." He explained "but there is something I wanted to ask you," he continued "what??" I asked anxiously. "Do you want to grab some lunch with me tomorrow??" He asked "ummm... I can't tomorrow... I'm sorry." I replied as I walked out of the door disappointed.

I walked into Sammi's room "what'd he say??" She asked. "Nothing much, but he asked me if I wanted to grab some lunch with him tomorrow, I said no"

Ella: why?!?!

Me: B-because

I said as I out my head down.

Sammi: it's okay ash, you can tell us anything.

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