Chapter NineTeen

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***Andys P.O.V***

I woke up and glanced at my watch it was 11:30am in the afternoon.

Ashley was still out from last night and so was Andrea.

I went downstairs to make Andrea and Ashley breakfast, I was committed to making my wife happy and this is what she wanted, to do things as a family. Today we are going to have breakfast together as a family.

As I was making Ashley and Andrea breakfast I heard Ashley walk down the stairs. She stretched her arms up and yawned. "Why are you up so early Andy?" she asked

"Because we are going to have breakfast as a family" I replied

She smiled at me and went upstairs to get Andrea. When she came downstairs She had Andrea wrapped in her arms.

Ashley walked over to me. "She's growing too fast. She's has your deep blue eyes and nice brown hair color you know?" she said to me

"She has your smile and great cheek bones, you know" I said mocking her in a joking matter.

We giggled and sat down for breakfast.

---Later Today---

***Ashley's P.O.V***

Breakfast was amazing, and I was so flattered! After Andy and I watched TV on the couch while Andrea was napping.

"What are we going to do for Andrea's birthday next month? She's already turning 2!" I asked Andy.

"Up to you babe, I know, she's growing up" He said

"Once I tell Sammi and Ella they'll have some crazy idea" I said giggling

We both laughed and I walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water. "When's the last time we had a night out just me and you?" Andy asked wrapping his arms around me, while I was hanging over the sink.

"It's been a while, I cant even remember." I said.

"Get ready, I'll take Andrea over to the guy's house" he said smiling'

"Really?" I asked

he nodded and took Andrea to Sammi and Ella.

--2 Hours Later--

After getting ready, both Andy and I. We left and he wouldn't tell me where we were going.

"Are you seriously not going to tell me where we are going? Why are we leaving so early for a night out, its only 6:30" I said

"It's a surprise, we left early because its not just a date night, and no I'm not telling you where" Andy said giggling.

I took a deep sigh and turned on the radio. Then suddenly turned it off. "Blah! Justin Bieber" I said as we both laughed.

Andy pulled in to a restaurant. I looked at him like it was the first time we met. I was in complete shock! "Remember this place? The first date we ever went on" he said grabbing my hand and slightly cocking one eyebrow.

I smiled so hard I could feel my cheek bones starting to get sore. I nodded and we walked in. After dinner I was ready to go home but Andy started driving somewhere else. "We aren't going home yet?" I asked "Nope, my surprise isn't over" he said smiling

I was too flattered already to care, I played along and sat back. We pulled up behind a few trees a few minutes later. "Remember this spot? First kiss we shared and when we decided to start over" Andy said leaning in. I kissed him and held his hands, like always they were what he called 'naturally cold'

"You know what this means right?" I asked

"Nope, we aren't jumping in there is one more place I want to take you" He said

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