Chapter Seven

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***Ashley's P•O•V***

When I woke up I saw Andy still asleep. I slowly removed his arm from my body and lifted my head off of his chest.

I glanced at the clock. Holy shit !! It's 9:47am. That's really early !! I did sleep really good though. Things area really starting to look up for me. I thought.

I hopped in the shower.


When I finished I threw on my robe and began to brush my teeth. When I was finished I did my hair, my makeup, and got dressed.

When i finally finished getting ready for the day. I walked around the house. No one was awake !!

I was so bored. So I went up stairs and started to pack my clothes. I went to the bathroom to pack my cosmetics and such when I felt someone behind me.

"Good morning to you" I heard Andy say as he wrapped his arms around me.

I could always call out Andy's voice. It's the deepest voice ever I thought to myself.

"Why were you up so early. You're almost done packing." Andy asked.

"I honestly don't know. I just woke up and was just. I don't know how to describe" I said as we both chuckled.

"It's a big change. Waking up at 10:00 instead of 3:00 in he afternoon !!" Andy said. We both started to laugh really hard.

"Well. I'm gonna hop into the shower then start packing. While your still packing. After wanna grab something to eat?" Andy asked.

"Sure. When we are all done" I replied. He nodded and hopped into the shower.

I finished packing all my stuff and Andy just began packing his stuff.

While I was waiting I went down stairs to watch tv. I was so tired. I don't even know why I woke up so early I thought.

***Andy's P•O•V***

When I was finished packing I went downstairs to see if Ashley still wanted to go out and eat.

When I got downstairs I was too late. She had fallen asleep on the couch.

"Hey Andy !" I heard someone shout.

I turned around, put one infer over my mouth, and said "SHHH!!!"

It was Ashley.

"Sorry. Dude. I didn't realize. But hey can I talk to you for a sec." Ashley asked.

"Sure. What's up" I said.

"I don't wanna wake her. Lets go to the kitchen and talk" I added.

He nodded and we both walked over to the kitchen.

"Since you and Ashley have been hanging out lately me and the guys haven't had some time with you. I know we your a lot. But we were all thinking before you left today. Maybe you wanna go out?" Ashley asked.

"Sure man. Why not. What'd you have in mind ?" I asked.

"I don't know yet. We'll figure it out." Ashley replied.

"I'll go tell the guys." Ashley added.

I nodded and went up to me and Ashley's room to grab my jacket. I looked over at the clock. It was 5:27pm. I have to be back by at least 9:30pm I thought to myself.

When I walked downstairs the guys were waiting for me. We all walked out the door, hopped in the car, and left.

***Ella's P•O•V***

I walked over to Sammi's room and knocked on the door. She opened it saying "what's up?"

"I just woke up from a nap. Where's all the guys?" I asked.

"They went to go hang out and do guy stuff if you know what I mean." Sammi replied as we both chuckled.

"Well wanna go watch a movie in the living room?" I asked.

"Sure." She replied.

"Let's see if Ashley wants to join"

She said okay and we walked into the living room. We saw Ashley sitting down watching tv.

"Finally awake sleepy head. I saw you asleep here an 1 hour or so ago.... You were out like a light!" I said.

We all chuckled.

"Wanna watch a movie with me and Ella?" Sammi asked Ashley.

"Sure. What movie?" Ashley asked.

"Evil Dead" I replied.

"Oooo. Scary." Ashley said.

I put the movie into the DVD player and took a seat on the couch next to Sammi and Ashley.

"Hey. Where's the guys?" Ashley asked

"Oh. They went out." Sammi replied.

Ashley said okay and we continued watch tv.

***Andy's P•O•V***

When I walked into the door I heard loud screams.

I switched on the lights and said "what's wrong!!"

"You scared us Andy !!" I heard the girls say as we all chuckled.

I noticed they were all watching a scary movie.

"Well. I'll leave you 3 to finish your movie" I said as I heard the rest of the guys come in.

I walked up stairs and started to load the car.

"Hey. Andy. We just finished the movie. Are we ready to go yet ?" I heard Ashley say.

"Yea. I just forgot one more thing. You can go ahead and get in the car. I'll be right back" I said as I shut the trunk to the car.

I then ran into the house and ran over to jakes room.

I knocked. When he answered he said "what's up bro?"

"I'm about to leave. I need the bag" I told him.

He ran to his closet and grabbed the bag. As he handed it to me he said "I put a little extra something in there just in case you two decide to have some fun" he winked at me as I left.

I hopped into the car and we were off.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter !!!

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