Chapter Eight

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***Andy's P•O•V***


"Are you gonna tell me where we're going?" Ashley asked me.

"You'll see when we get there" I told her.

"Ugh. Okay. Are we almost there!? We've been driving for 2 hours already." Ashley said.

"Yea. We're really close. About 25 more minutes." I replied.

She said okay and cranked up the music.

I giggled because she put on the song sexting by Blood On The Dance Floor.


"We are here !!" I said to Ashley.

She was speechless. She saw the beach and was so happy.

I grabbed our stuff and headed for the door while Ashley followed.

When we got into the house I set down out luggage in our room, picked her up, threw her on the bed and began to kiss her.

"This is perfect" Ashley said to me.

"I'm so happy you think so" I replied.

"Sammi told me how you always wanted to see the beach and Ella, Sammi, and I thought this would be perfect." I added.

"It is perfect. I don't know how to thank all of you guys for everything. This is just unreal." She said.

I looked over at the clock and it was 11:45am.

"So. What's next?" Ashley asked.

"Have you ever made a s'more before?" I asked.

"What the hell is a s'more?" She asked.

My jaw dropped. "You don't know what a s'more is ?!" I said.

"Well. I think it's about time you've had one." I added.

"Okay." Ashley said.

I walked outside and lit the fire. I grabbed all the stuff and set it down on the ground.

"C'mon ash" I said.

She walked over to me and sat down.

"So. How does this work?" She asked.

"Okay. First. Put a marshmallow on this" I said as I handed her a metal stick.

She slipped the marshmallow on the stick and asked what's next.

"Put it over the fire and rotate it until it looks something like this." I said as I showed her mine.

She copied. I showed her how to put It together and she loved it !!

I was so happy that she was happy. For some reason I always thought she wanted to leave.

After eating a few s'mores with Ashley she asked me if I wanted to run into the water.

We smiled at each other and ran down the sand taking off our clothes.

We ran straight into the water. I was freezing my ass off !!

We splashed each other and swam around for a while. Then Ashley got super cold.

We ran back into the house and we both hopped into the shower. She looked at me and I looked her. Both with a smile.

I had just realized that we were BOTH in the shower COMPLETELY NAKED !!

I started to kiss her and she wrapped her arms around me slightly pulling my hair.

***Ashley's P•O•V***

Andy started to kiss me more aggressively. I wasn't as scared as the last time something like this happened.

After the shower he threw me onto the bed and started to kiss me down my neck I pulled his head to mine and started to kiss him. I pulled is hair a bit harder than the last.

He told me he'd be right back and he went to go get something.

***Andy's P•O•V***

I went looking into the bag jake gave me. I was looking for that "little something" he left in there for us.

Finally. There it is. I raced backed to Ashley and continued to kiss her.

"Where were we?" I said

"Oh. That's right" I added ripping off my shirt then hers.

--1 hour later--

***Ashley's P•O•V***

Wow. Okay. I thought to myself breathing really hard as Andy plopped to his side of the bed.

I can't believe this really happened I thought to myself. Still grasping the thought that me and Andy did you know what he turned on his side and said "I love you Ashley"

I blushed and stuttered "I-I love y-you too A-Andy."

He told me to wait a second and went out of the room.

When he came back he had a bag in his hand. He slowly pulled out a little black box.

My heart started to race. He's not actually about to..... Umm. We just.... AAAAHHHH !!! I thought to myself.

"Ashley. I love you and only you. I don't want to be with anyone else but you. With this ring I promise to never hurt you, to always try to understand our differences and I promise to try to see eye to eye on some points. I love you Ashley" he said to me slightly nervous of what I was going to say. His cheeks started to turn as red as a tomato.

Thank God he didn't propose all though that would be very nice.

"I love you too Andy, this is very sweet" I said blushing.

I had out my right hand out and had my left hand holding up the bed sheets to my chest.

He slipped on the ring.

"Oh my.... Andy are you crying?!" I said.

He cleared his throat. "No" he said.

We both chuckled. He then hit the lights and plopped into bed with me.

We laid side by side holding hands. I fell asleep on his chest and our legs folded together like always.

He kissed my forehead and told me goodnight. I said goodnight back and we both fell asleep.


I had a lot of fun writing this chapter^.^

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