Chapter Sixx

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This Is Us Chapter 6

***Sammi's P•O•V***

When I woke up the first thing I saw was Jinxx getting dressed.

I walked towards the door when I heard Jinxx say "where ya going babe?"

"I'm gonna go see if Ashley wants to hang out today. I'm tired of being stuck in the house and I haven't hung out with her in a while since her and Andy have been doing stuff together." I replied.

"Oh. Okay. What'd you have in mind? For when you guys hang out." Jinxx asked.

"You know. Girl stuff. The movies, the mall, shopping, lunch. That kinda stuff." I replied.

He nodded and said okay as I walked out the door.

I walked to Ashley and Andy's room. When I knocked I heard no response so I walked in.

Awww. How cute. I thought.

Ashley's head was rested on Andy's chest and Andy's arm was wrapped around her.

I slowly and quietly closed the door and I walked down stairs. I can just wait till she wakes up.

I walked downstairs, sat on the couch, and turned on the tv.

"Hey Sammi." I heard Ella say.

"Hey Ella. I kinda have an idea." I told her.

"What is it?" She said as she took a seat next to me.

"Well. This morning I basically saw Ashley and Andy spooning in bed and it made me think she's never been to the beach and I thought we could let them stay at a beach house on Venice beach. I thought maybe we could do something special for them."
I explained to Ella.

"That's a really good idea " Ella replied.

"I think I even over heard Andy and Jake talking about Andy getting Ashley a promise ring !!" I told Ella.

"That's perfect. He could give it to her at the beach house !!" Ella responded.

"We are brilliant." I said as Ella and I giggled.

"What's so funny?" I heard a deep voice say. I already knew it was Andy.

"Oh. Nothing." I heard Ella said.

"Where's Ashley?" I asked Andy.

"Oh. She's still asleep. We had a long night last night." Andy responded.

"Oh. Okay." I said as I gave Ella the nod.

"Should we tell him?" I whispered. Obviously very loudly because Andy asked "tell me what?"

"Great Sammi" Ella told me.

"What's going on guys?" Andy asked.

"Well....." Ella started to explain to Andy.

"We had an idea. Sammi and I.... We thought that you and Ashley should do something special together..... Sammi over heard you an Jake talking about the promise ring....." Ella continued.

"And....." Andy said.

"We thought since Ashley's never seen the beach.... You guys could go to a beach house on Venice. You could even give her the ring there...?" I said nervously.

"You know what guys.... That's not a bad idea. Thanks" Andy said

"But I have no time to plan it. Me and Jake are suppose to look at rings tomorrow. I have no alibi for all this time I'm gonna be spent gone" Andy explained to us.

"No problem. It's our idea. We can plan it." Ella said.

"Thanks guys...... Really...." Andy said. It was so sweet that he was blushing.

"Hey. Whatya guys talking about?" I heard Ashley say.

Andy cleared his throat. "Uhmm... Nothing"

"Okay?" Ashley said puzzled.

"Well. Anyways. Jake and Andy are going to look around at the record store so I thought maybe you,me, and Ella could go to the movies or something." I said.

"Okay. Let me get cleaned up first." Ashley said.

We both nodded as she walked up the stairs.

***Ashley'a P•O•V***

When I walked up the stairs and hopped into the shower.


When I got out the shower I did my makeup. I did something a little different today.

I winged out my eyeliner and drew my eyeliner on pretty thick. I wore a dark red lipstick but more pinkish.

I was feeling really good about myself today. When I got done with my makeup I threw on a some red skinny jeans, black on black converse, and lastly a black v necked t shirt.

I was feeling really good I even did my hair. I straightened the crap out of it and put in a red head band with silver spikes coming out to separate my bangs. I teased the top and left out my bangs.

When I was finally finished getting ready I walked down stairs and Ella and Sammi were waiting for me.

"You look freaking amazing !!" Ella said.

"She learned from the best" Sammi said while bowing and laughing.

We all giggled and left.

***Jakes P•O•V***

"What about that one?" I asked Andy. Looking at a silver ring with a nice diamond at the top.

"Jake. Dude. We are getting her a promise ring. Not a fucken engagement ring" he replied.

"You will be some day" I replied with a wink.

Andy started to blush, to break the awkward moment I giggled and said "dude hurry up and pick a ring"

"Don't rush me. I want it to be perfect" Andy responded.

Damn. Andy must really like this girl. I've never seen him get this sentimental over anyone besides his fans. I thought to myself.

"PERFECT!" I heard Andy say.

"Come check it out jake" he added.

I walked over to Andy.

I looked at the ring. It was silver and it had an aquamarine gem at the top.

"Is there any reason why you picked this one?" I asked him.

"Her birthday is in march. The birthstone for march is aquamarine. I thought the silver ring would match it!!" Andy explained.

"Alright. Lets pay and get out of here." I responded.

Andy payed for the ring. The lady wrapped it into a nice bag with blue tissue paper coming out. Andy grabbed the bag, thanked the lady, and we left.

When we got to the house Andy said "hey. Dude I don't want Ashley to find it so can you keep this in your room till this weekend when we leave?"

"Course" I said as he handed me the bag.

We both walked in and after I hid the bag in my room andy and I hung out down stairs for a while.

***Ashley's P•O•V***

I was exhausted!! I thought to myself. Sammi made me and Ella go to every store in the mall!!

I walked up stairs, washed my face, and got into my pjs.

As I was slipping on my shirt I heard a deep voice say "Oh. Well. Hello there"

I looked back and pulled down the rest of my shirt.

"Seriously Andy?" I said.

He giggled and grabbed me by the hips. He looked me in the eyes and said seriously. He kissed me hard and then he went to go get changed.

When he came back he had the biggest smile on his face.

"Are you okay? You seem so jumpy an happy" I asked.

"Haha. I'm fine. I just I'm really happy plus I have a surprise for you this weekend." Andy said with a smirk on his face.

"What is it?" I asked.

"If I tell you it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" He said.

"Okay" I shrugged.

"Let's go to bed I'm exhausted" I added.

"Too exhausted huh? Are you too exhausted for this?" Andy said as he threw me onto the bed kissing me.

"Well. No" I said

He kept going and my heart started to race. Was he about to.... Was he ready.... What if I say no.....?? What would he say....?? How would he react....?? I thought to myself.

He ran his hand down my stomach and had one hand on my thigh and the other on my hip.

"Okay. Yellow flag." I said.

He giggled. "What does that mean?" He said.

Means that's enough. More like a warning for you know what.

He giggled and said he understood.

He plopped to his side of the bed and hit the light.

I then laid my head on his chest and his arm wrapped around me. Our legs were folded in together like always.

"Hey. Ash?" Andy said.

"Yea?" I asked.

"Do you ever think about how we met?" He asked.

"Well ya!! Like all the time!! It's like some miracle." I said slightly nervous.

"Why do you say that?" Andy asked.

"Because.... You could have any girl you want and you got me." I replied.

"I got you? You say it as if I was stuck with you. I want you and only you" he started to blush.

He kissed my forehead and said "we gotta pack up our stuff tomorrow by the way, we are leaving tomorrow night so we can be there late night early morning Friday."

"Oh. Okay. Where are we going exactly?" I said puzzled.

"It's a part of the surprise Ash" he responded.

"Get some read we have a long day tomorrow and a lot of driving to cover." Andy added.

I said okay and fell asleep soon after.


Thanks for reading !!

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