Chapter Five

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*Andy's P.O.V*

When I woke up I glanced at the bed, Ashley wasn't there! I took a deep breathe, she's probably with Sammi or Ella, or just somewhere else in the house.

I got up and stretched. Then I went to take a shower, got dressed, and walked downstairs. Why was Ashley on the couch?! Was it something I did or said last night to make it awkward??? Never mind that, maybe I should make her something to eat for when she wakes up... But wait... What kind of food does she eat...??? I'll just wait till she wakes up and we can go out to eat.

Until then I sat down on the couch next to Ashley and watched TV.

*Ashley's P.O.V*

I woke up to Andy sitting next to me watching TV.

"Good morning, why dint you go shower and get dressed and we can go out and get something to eat." He asked I sat up in the couch and said "I-I'm not hungry...." "Don't do this to yourself, I know you must be hungry .... Besides I'm not taking no as an answer." He replied.

I shrugged, went upstairs, showered, and got dressed. I looked into the mirror and felt really depressed, I started to think of "home". The temptations of cutting came back, I don't know why, I've been happier than ever. I'm so screwed up. I thought. I went in Andy's drawer and took one of the blades, I locked myself in the bathroom and began to cut up my arms. I cut towards my shoulder so he couldn't see them.

After cutting for a few minutes I cleaned off my arm and the blade, slipped the blade in my pocket, grabbed my bag, and went downstairs.

"You took quite a while, anyways let's go" Andy said.

"Sorry," I mumbled as we walked out the door.


Andy: so... What do you want for lunch??

Me: doesn't matter to me seeming how I wasn't even hungry in the first place.

I said with a slight attitude.

Andy ignored me.

Andy: Okay, subway sounds good to me too,

I giggled and gave him a smile. He smiled back and slightly but the edge of his lip.😍

We drove up to the parking lot at subway and walked in.


We hopped into the car and before we took off Andy asked "What do you wanna do tonight, you must be tired of being stuck in the house all the time."

"Ummmm.... Want to go to the park with the lake???" I replied

"Ya, actually I have a really good idea. Why don't we have a picnic tonight at the park?" He said.

He seemed really excited and I didn't want to disappoint him even though I really didnt want to eat I said "Okay." And gave him a slight smile,

We drove home and Andy began to gather all the picnic stuff. I walked to Sammi's room and knocked "can I come in??" I asked "ya, come on in" she said. "Where's Jinxx??" I asked "oh, him and all the boys went out to the club tonight." She responded "what's up??" She asked. "Tonight me and Andy are going to have a picnic at the lake/park. C-can you h-help me get r-ready??" I asked, "Of course!! I know the perfect outfit!!" She said.

--getting ready--

"You ready yet?" I heard Andy shout from the kitchen

"Yup, I'm coming" I shouted back.

As I walked out the door I thanked Sammi and she wished me luck and told me to have fun.

Andy and I grabbed all the stuff, loaded the car and took off.


When me and Andy got to the park he layer down the blanket and we began to eat and talk when I started to think its about time I forget about the past, put it behind me, and start over. "Hey Andy." I said "what's up??" He said sort of anxiously .

Me: let's jump!!

Andy: are you fuckin crazy!? It's the middle of October, you might get sick!!

Me: GAWD! Do you know who you sound like right now?! Who cares, lets just do it.

Andy giggled and tore of his shirt and pants. I took off my clothes as well. Leaving me in my bra and panties, we then ran and jumped into the lake together.

After splashing and swimming around for a while we ran back to our blanket, put our clothes back on, grabbed all the stuff, and ran laughing all the way to the car.

We both hopped in the car and Andy turned on the heater. We sat there and u was freezing my ass off!! Andy said "here this'll help" he then wrapped his hands around mine and rubbed them together. He then looked into my eyes and started to lean towards me, finally our lips met and he kissed me!! I looked him in the eyes and started to make out with him.

After making out for a while, we drove home.


We both walked up the stairs, exhausted. Andy started to make his bed on the ground.

Me: you don't have to sleep on the floor anymore.

Andy: it's okay. Really I don't mind,

Me: are you serious, get up here.

He blushed and threw all of his pillows and blankets on the bed. I went to the bathroom to change into pajamas while Andy got dressed in the room. When I walked out of the bathroom Andy was sitting on the bed with his head down. I glanced at his drawers and they were open.

Andy: where's the 7th blade?? Show me your arms,

I took off my shirt and showed him what I had done.

Andy: why?! I thought you promised!!

Me: look this morning I got really depressed, but today at the park I promised to myself I'd put everything behind me and start over, that's why I wanted to jump in the lake. I'm sorry.

I started to cry,

Andy: it's okay, please don't do it again

Me: promise,

He hit the light and hopped into bed. He wiped away my tears and he cuddled me to sleep.


Thanks for reading!!

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