Chapter Eleven

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***Ashley's P•O•V***

I woke up on the couch and everyone was looking at me. I sat up and I was moodier than ever.

"What the hell are all of you looking at I'm fine" I said.

Everyone giggled at me as if I were trying to be funny.

"Do you need to go to the hospital?" Andy asked worriedly.

"No. I'm not dying and I'm not going into labor so we are good." I replied with a slight chuckle.

"Pregnancy hormones" Ella laughed.

I gave her the most serious look I can make and she tried her best to hold in her laughter. I just ignored it. I wanted to talk to Andy I needed to talk to Andy.

"Andy can I talk to you upstairs?" I asked.

"Of course babe" he said as he followed me upstairs.

As we walked up the stairs he slapped my ass and giggled while doing it.

I think he knew he shouldn't have done it because I gave him the worst death stare of all time.

"Probably not the best moment to do that" he said as we both chuckled.

I opened the door to our room.

"Me and you have gone through alot. You've dealt with my self harm, me starving myself, my insecurities everything. I don't wanna hold you back from touring I feel like I'd be distracting you and the boys. I wanna stay here with Ella and Sammi" I explained to Andy as I say next to him on the bed.

"I don't wanna celebrate my 18th birthday in any way. It causes to much pain. I don't wanna be stressed about all of this because I don't want to do anything to hurt the baby. So I'm hoping you'll agree with me and not make this hard." I continued.

Andy took a really deep breathe. "Okay. But under one condition. You have to text me when you wake up and when you go to bed. Ella and Sammi have to constantly be with you and they have to learn how to take care of you" he said.

I was amazed he agreed so quickly was he trying to be nice to me because I'm pregnant or what. I'm just surprised.

"I don't wanna cause any stress for you and our little angel." Andy said.

"If you're wondering why I agreed so quickly. I'm doing this because I love you and I want to respect your wishes. If this makes you happy then it makes me happy." He added.

"When are you leaving baby?" I asked Andy while pulling all of my hair back into a high ponytail.

"In 2 days. This is my last night ash" he said sadly.

"Awe:( I'm gonna miss you. But the tour will go by so fast you even know it. Just have fun babe" I said.

I helped Andy pack his stuff so we could spend time together before he left.

We laid on the bed and turned on the tv. I think this is the first time we actually watched tv in our room instead of laying here talking until we fell asleep.

"How long are you gonna be gone honey?" I asked Andy.

"Oh. This is gonna be a short tour. It's only 3 months. We aren't going far this time of year because you know kids have school and such " Andy responded

School X_X I thought. One of the biggest hells in my life.

Andy flipped over on top of me and started to kiss me. Each kiss got deeper and deeper. He started to kiss under neath my chin and down my neck. When he started to suck/bite my neck I stopped him.

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