Chapter Seventeen

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***Sammi's P.O.V***

After taking the first half of the boxes into Ashley and Andy's new house, Ashley went back for the second half of the boxes while Ella and I started unpacking the nursery for Ash.

--an hour and a half later--

When Ashley came back she gave us a tour of the house. After that we put Andrea on her play pen and started to unpack the house.

Ashley unpacked her and Andy's room, Ella unpacked the living room and kitchen, while I unpacked the bathroom in the hallway and Andrea's nursery.

We were all super busy. I'm amazed the baby was quiet all day and didn't start crying. if she had we all had baby monitors on us.

After a while of unpacking I heard Ella shout from the living room "Hey Guys, guess who's here!" Ashley and I went to the living room it was the guys, "What are all of you doing here?" we asked. "Its our turn" Ashley added on.

"We know, but we thought we would bring you guys lunch and Andy wanted to take Andrea off of your hands" Jinxx said.

"Oh. That's nice of you guys. Thanks baby" Ashley said to Andy as he hugged her,

"Sorry, I'm all sweaty. You don't have to take Andrea we got her" Ashley explained to Andy while Sammi and I started to eat lunch as the rest of the guys waited in the car for Andy

"No babe. Its okay. I'll take her. Besides Jake and I are going to take her to the park to feed the ducks at the pond. We were all bored and so yeah we worked up this idea," Andy explained to Ashley

She nodded and went to the play pen to get Andrea for Andy. When she gave him to her Ashley told Andy he had to get the car seat out of our car. He nodded, took Andrea, and left.

After the guys left Ashley came and joined us for lunch.


an hour and a half later we finished eating we went to finish unpacking.

--4-5 hours later.--

We didn't completely finish unpacking the house but almost Ashley was exhausted and wanted to go home. We drove home and Ashley went to her room, Ella went to hers, and I went to mine.

Before I could close my door I could hear Ashley yell from the stairs, "Wait guys. I forgot about something" she said. Ella and I walked to the living room.

"What's up?" Ella asked Ashley as we all sat down on the couch.

"Andy and I have discussed this for a while and we came to the decision that we don't want a wedding. We just want to do it in court or however that works. I'm sorry. I know you guys were excited about planning it." She explained to me and Ella

"That's totally okay. I was excited. We were both excited, I know its hard to say no to us sometimes and we can get overwhelming but id never do anything to make you feel like you were forced to do something." I explained to her in response "I agree" Ella added

Ashley smiled at us and said goodnight. We all went to our rooms.

***Ashley's P.O.V***

Before I entered my room, I went back downstairs to check on Andrea. I peeked into her crib to find her peacefully asleep. I kissed her on her forehead and went back to my room for the last and finally time.

I quietly hopped into the shower trying my best not to wake Andy. When I got out of the shower I got dressed and climbed into bed with Andy. I wrapped my legs around his like always. Tonight was like every night. Except today I couldn't sleep. I don't know why. I usually lay right here and go to bed.

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