Chapter Sixxteen

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When I woke up I saw Andy sitting on the couch next to me holding Andrea in her arms.

I gave him a puzzled look I didn't expect him to be home so early neither did I expect Andrea to be awake from here nap already.

"Hey Babe, How did you sleep?" he asked

"Good. Thanks. But how is Andrea already awake?" I asked in response.

"Ummm... Its about 600pm in the evening. When I came home the baby monitor went off so I went in got her, I didn't wake you up" he explained

"Damn. I slept for almost 3 hours. When did you get home?"  I asked

"About 2 or so hours ago. Most of our stuff is there. We just need to take everything in Andrea's nursery there." he told me

"Oh Okay." I said

"Whats up guys??" I heard Jake say as he came to sit next to me on the couch.

"Nothing much. Aren't you tired bro?" Andy said

"Yeah. But Ella and Sammi are in the room talking about flowers or something" he told us

We all began to laugh.

"I told them not to make a big deal out of the wedding but I couldn't stop them, they insisted" I explained to him

"You have a second? Can I talk to you privately?" I asked

"Sure" he said following me up stairs.

I shut the door behind me he sat on the bed and I sat next to him

"So whats up?" he asked

"I just wanted to ask you question.... Without you I would have never came here or had Andrea or would be getting married.... I didn't have a family until I came here... You're one of the most important people in my life.... I love you Jake, you're like the big brother I never had or the father that actually cares about me... I was just wondering will you walk me down the aisle?" I told him rubbing my arm nervously.

He started to tear up and when he did so did I "Of course I would, that's the least I can do for you at your wedding" he said wiping my tears away

"That's another thing... I don't even know if I want a wedding... Why do I need a huge celebration to make Andy my husband...?" I explained

"All I need is you guys... My family..." I added

"You don't need a huge wedding. The girls got out of hand and I know its not easy to say no to them, but if its not what you truly want then you have to tell them or I will... We can all just go to court and you guys can make it official there" Jake said

"Thanks Jake," I said hugging him once more.

I went back downstairs. I stood above Andy and reached for Andrea he handed her to me. As I took her into my arms I sat on Andy's lap. We watched tv for a little while then it was time for Andrea to go to bed.

After Andy put her down we went up to the room and we started to discuss a few things....

"Do you ever think about our future and how far we've come since you've come here?" Andy asked me. "Every single day when I wake up..." I said taking a deep breathe.

"About our future. I want Andrea to have her own savings account at the bank. I don't care what you say. I want her to have one no matter what. If anything were to happen to the both of us I never want her to go through what I went through.... Which leads me to another thing... I'm not saying we wont spoil her at times but she does have to work for everything she gets. I love her so much and I don't want her to grow up the way I did...." I said holding Andy's eyes taking a deep breathe.

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