>Leaving<> Chapter 1 <

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Max's POV

"Bye mom, I promise I'll call you every week with plentiful updates." I laugh hugging my mom for the last time until I get on the plane headed for Brighton. My best friend Emma moved to the UK when we were thirteen and I'm moving in with her and four of her guy friends that she lives with.

"I love you." She says smiling yet crying.

"I love you too and you don't have to worry about me anymore, I'll be 21 in a little less than a month." I say right before they call for the 2nd class seats for my trip to the UK. This'll be my last time standing in New York for a couple years. "Bye, I love you." I say hugging her before picking up my carry on and boarding the plane.

10 hours later

I got the earliest flight to Brighton which was at 8:00am and I landed in Brighton and took the metro as close to the house as possible and just walked the rest of the way so when I get to the house it would've been 5:00pm New York time but it's midnight here! I go up to the front door and sit down on a bench to text Emma that I'm here since I'm so awkward that I don't even want to ring a damn doorbell.

'Just walk the fuck in.' Emma says so I sigh before standing up and walking in the front door with my two big suitcases and my little carry on bag handing from my shoulder.

"Max!" Emma shouts, running over to me from the couch and giving me a giant bear hug.

"It's been eight years!" I laugh, dropping my bags and wrapping my arms around her back.

"You're probably wanting to meet the guys." She says before leading me to the living room where four guys are sitting down. "Ok so this is Luke." She says pointing at, well, Luke. I could recognize him from some the photos Emma had sent me of the guys. "And this is Jason," she says pointing to a guy with cotton candy purple and blue hair teased up into a giant blob. "Patty," she says pointing to a generic pop punk guy wearing a burgundy beanie. "And Karim." She finishes before pointing at someone who looked a little bit younger than all of the other guys who was wearing this slightly odd black and grey faux animal fur hat.

I didn't really know what to do after she introduced me to the guys I just awkwardly smiled and waved and, luckily, they all didn't just sit there and stare at me but instead only looked in my direction when Emma said their name and waved before going back to the conversation they were in.

"They're talking about this YouTube event that they're all going to in about a month so that's why they seem like dicks right now." Emma laughs before edging that she'll be going to the event too and I should tag along since I'm a YouTuber too. I'm a pretty small one though. I only made a little money since I didn't need much since my mom was paying for my community college and food.

"I'm hungry, got any vegan snacks?" I ask her since we're in the kitchen now. "Oh yeah, Luke and Patty are both vegans too." She says leading me into the pantry and pointing out a small area with vegan snacks.

"Are you talking shit about me Emma Blackery?" Someone shouts from the living room. I haven't heard each guys voice on its own so I have virtually no idea who it is.

"We're talking about veganism, shut up Luke." Emma shouts back from the kitchen. I guess the voice belonged to Luke.

"Ok, I've got food. Where to now?" I ask. I'm surprised it hasn't passed through my mind that it's midnight here and they're all casually awake and hanging out. Well it has now, and it's slightly odd.

"Let's go introduce you to the guys when they're not being pieces of shit." She says, making the end of her statement slightly louder so that the guys could hear what she was saying.

"Hey, we were talking about a professional gathering coming up in the near future." Patty says. I know who's saying what because we're all in the living room and I can see who's speaking.

"It's a convention for people obsessed with the Internet. And don't complain because I offending myself just as much as I'm offending you." Emma says back to Patty, making everyone, including me, start laughing. I guess it's pretty nice living in a house of YouTubers because you can all relate to a bunch of things pretty well.

"Ooh, I know what we're doing tomorrow. And this may or may not include everyone, it depends. We are filming videos about how Max has moved in with us for whoever's channels." Emma says excitedly, looking around at everyone else and then back to me.

"I guess I don't really have a choice in this, do I?" I laugh.

"Nah." Jason says, making me laugh.

"Why don't we just film them tonight? She probably won't even be able to sleep for hours because of the time switch." Karim says, making a good point.

"Oh yeah, your body thinks it's like 19:00 when its one in the morning." Emma laughs.

"Well, who all wants to make a video about me moving in?" I ask.

"Well I haven't made a video in like a month so I kind of have to." Luke laughs.

"Ugh, nothing's changed." Emma sighs. "Alright, let's get a show of hands." Emma says, referring to who all wants to make a video. Everyone, including me, ends up raising their hand. Jason raised both of his and started dancing.

"Alright you fucking weirdos, let's go film some videos." I sigh before standing up and walking with everyone to wherever it is we were going to film.

We didn't finish until about 4:00am and even though it would only be 10:00pm back in Alabama I'm exhausted from flying so I have Emma show me where my room is which is upstairs between Jason's and Patty's rooms and I went to bring my bags into my room but Patty insisted that he would carry them for me, unpacked my stuff, and passed out on the queen sized bed.


PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU LIKE THE NEW PLOT SO FAR!! Max's mom isn't a bitch and max and Patty don't have this random extreme connection that is totally unrealistic, jet lag is a thing now, and SitC is happening soon which means it's summer, (i know I didn't specify that the convention was SitC but it is and I will say so next chapter)

Bye loves,
Macy <3

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