>The Sound of Sirens<> Chapter 21 <

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One week later

Max's POV

It's been a week since my last bad nightmare and since then I have opened up much more to Patty. I've told him much more than I ever thought I would tell anyone. I still haven't told anyone else because they don't need to know, and if they do then I will tell them but I don't want to worry about that now. As of right now, we're all on another road trip, we've all decided that we should go on more of them. Karim's been driving for about an hour and a half before we turn onto a back road and pull up to a huge quarry.

"Let's chill here for a while." He says as he stops the car in the gravel and we all get out, grabbing a few blankets from the back of car and carrying them with up towards the quarry. We all sit down on them and start to talk about random things.

Thirty minutes later

"Shit, what's that?" Jason asks as I begin to hear police sirens. They come closer and closer and I finally see red and blue flashing lights on the road we drove on to get up here. "Oh fuck." He mutters as we see two police cars come out of the woods and stop right by the car we came in. The sirens turn off and one police men get out of each car and walk over to us.

"Are you all aware that this is private property?" One of the officers ask us as a whole.

"No sir, we will leave immediately." Karim says as he begins to stand up.

"I'm afraid that's not an option, the owner of the property was the one to call the cops and asked to have you taken in. I'm going to need some form of identification from all of you." He explains. We all comply and go over to the car to grab our wallets and such to get out our IDs and hand them to the officer who spoke to us. He gives his partner half of the IDs and they take them back to their cars, I guess to look up our records.

When they come back, the man who hadn't spoken to us originally begins to speak. "I going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you all weren't up to anything bad because you all have clean records except for Miss Russell, she already has a misdemeanor for trespassing on private property from a few years ago back in America." The officer turns to me and my heart starts poundings even harder than it already was. Fuck.

"Well, half of you go with Officer Roseby, the others come with me." The officer says as he turns around and starts walking back to his vehicle. I follow him back to the car along with Jason and Luke. Not a single word is spoken in the car as we drive behind the other cop car back to the police station. Once we arrive, he explains to us that our car is being driven back here by an officer who just left.

He leads us into what would, I guess, be considered a waiting room in the front of the station, or at least that's the purpose it's serving for us right now. The other car of people got here before us so Patty, Karim, and Emma were all already sitting down. I sit down next to Emma and she leans over and whispers to me "I've already been back there, he just lectures you and says that we're going to have to pay a fine. I was only back there for two minutes at the most." which calms me down a lot.

Whenever they call someone to a room down the hallway I check the time and check it again when they come back and Emma was right, the longest anyone was gone for was three minutes. I was the last one to be called back.

"You, come back here." The officer who I rode with here says as he makes direct eye contact with me. I stand up and follow him down the hallway to a very cliche interrogation room- concrete everything with a single light on the ceiling with a table in the middle with a chair on either side and a clock on the wall. I check the time, 12:17am. "Sit." He commands and I do so quickly, sitting down in one of the foldable chairs.

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