>Summer in the City<> Chapter 5 <

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Kat's POV

It's the next morning and I'm sat in a car with Karim and Patty as we drive to SitC. Jason, Luke, and Emma are in another car. I'm exhausted since it's about half nine so I just have my headphones in, trying to go back to sleep so I can function as a human being today.

I'm not a featured creator since first of all, my YouTube is tiny and second of all I wasn't even living here in the UK when they released the line up. Everybody else is though and I get to tag along at meet and greets and such, kind of like the one kid in school that isn't really popular but somehow is friends with all of the popular kids and does everything with them. Yep, I'm that person for the next couple of days.

"Ok Karim, I am about to fall asleep at this wheel and we are literally less than thirty minutes to the hotel, can you drive?" Patty asks as we pull over to get gas.

"Ugh, fine." Karim sighs exaggeratively as he gets out of the backseat where he was sitting next to me. After Patty gets gas and pays, he sits down in the back seat next to me and smiles softly at me before putting in ear buds and turning on his music. We aren't talking because he's exhausted and Karim would also be like "the fuck you guys talking about back there, hmm?". I do get out my phone though and text him a meme.

I close my eyes and turn my head to the side away from him to avoid any awkward looks. I feel my phone buzz on my lap and look down to see, as expected, a text from Patty that reads "dank", making me laugh. Relationship goals.

Two hours later

So as of right now I'm sat in a hotel room with Emma tweeting about being at Summer in the City. Patty and Luke are in a room together and Karim and Jason are in another.

I make my way into the bathroom to do my makeup and get properly dressed since I'm tagging along with Luke and Emma at one of their panels which starts in about an hour and a half. I just put on foundation, line my waterline and do a small cat eye with some black eyeliner, add mascara, and put on some dark purple liquid lipstick. I decide to wear a burgundy boxy crop top and a black leather skater skirt along with some black doc martins.

I walk out of the bathroom and Emma looks at me to see what I'm wearing. "Looking bad ass there Mac." She says and I strike an exaggerated model pose and laugh. She stood up and walked to the bathroom herself, grabbing a makeup bag and some clothes so I assume she's going to get ready too.

I sit myself down on the bed and just start snapchatting random things in the room and the view from the balcony which could almost be described as frightening because this hotel was insanely tall and we are all on the 32nd floor.

We spend about an hour hanging out before we go get Luke to head down to the panel. We go and knock on his door which is right next to ours and Patty opens it.

"Hey." He says to Emma before looking at me and smiling. "Luke!" He shouts over his shoulder before Luke comes running up behind him.

"Let's go." Luke says, sliding out the door and closing it behind him.

"We were never exactly 'on time' for these things." Emma laughs as we quick walk to the elevator.

"We're fashionably late." Luke says, making me giggle as we step into the elevator and begin to descend to the lobby and go out the door and practically run to the building where the event is being held.

Once we get there, there is already a giant crowd of people standing up in front of a stage where there is a long rectangular table, lined with five chairs along with five microphones.

I stand back stage and watch from the side, recording a little bit every once in a while and putting it on snapchat. About half an hour in, Emma mentioned me and a lot of people started cheering so she motioned for me to step on stage from the side, which I did, and a shit ton of people from the crowd started 'woo'ing and shouting which really shocked me. When I moved here, I had about 100,000 subscribers on YouTube which was enough to get me through college financial wise but since I've moved in with these guys and made videos with them, I've grown to almost 150,000 subscribers which is absolutely insane.

"Someone's popular." Patty laughs, walking up behind me and wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"Oh, hey. I didn't know you were coming." I smiled, turning my head to the side and kissing him.

"Ehh, I wasn't planning on it but why not." He says with a small laugh, staring up at the stage. "I'm doing a meet and greet with Jason later, why don't you come with us? There'll be people there who will be excited to see you." He offers and I say that I'll go. Not but a second later I feel my phone buzz and take it out of my pocket. Someone on Twitter had tagged me in a photo and said "OMG I JUST SAW THIS HAPPEN AT SITC". I get onto Twitter to see what the photo is off and it's off me and Patty kissing just a minute ago.

"Oh my god..." Is all I can mutter before my body begins to freak out. I start breathing fast and my heart starts pounding.

"Max, what's wrong?" Patty asks concerned. I just shake my head in light disbelief as I see the tens and now hundreds of retweets before turning around and bolting out of the building as fast as I can.

I get to mine and Emma's room before turning around and almost slamming the door behind me. Not but a minute goes before I hear frantic knocks on the door.

"Max? Max are you in here?" I hear Patty's voice ask from the other side of the door.

"Check Twitter." I say through the door, my voice slightly breaking. I'm sitting with my back against the door and can hear Patty mutter the word 'shit'.

"Max, can you please let me in? This is gonna be fine." Patty says, his voice flat yet calming. I wipe off the small tears that were forming on the inside of my eyes as I stand up and open the door. He steps forward and wraps me in a tight hug. "I hate that they found out so soon and like this, but they were bound to know eventually." He says and I just nod.

"What about Luke, Emma, Jason, and Karim? They are going to find out about this through people on Twitter." I say.

"We can explain to them that we were going to tell them soon, how we didn't mean for fans to find out this soon, and that we only started dating yesterday. They'll understand, it'll be okay." He says, loosening his grip on me. I just say 'okay' before going to sit down on the bed, Patty following behind me.

One hour later

"Hey." Emma says as she walks into our room. Patty just left to go back to his room about 15 minutes ago.

"Hey." I respond back.

"Okay, what the hell is all over Twitter." Emma asks with a laugh. Whew, I'm glad she's not mad about it.

"With the picture?" I ask for reassurance, adding a small sigh. She just says yeah. "Me and Patty are dating. We were going to tell you very soon I swear! We only became an actual thing yesterday. We didn't want any viewers to find out this soon but I guess we can't do anything about it now." I sigh.

"Damn, that must be a lot to deal with. Getting into a relationship with another YouTuber for the first time and then it immediately gets leaked and now it's created drama. It would kind of taint your idea of the platform. It's normally never like this, I swear." Emma says.

"I hope it's not normally like this." I sigh, giving a small smile.

"Hey, we have about two hours before we have to go to any events, why don't we go get some vegan ice cream?" Emma asks, trying to make me feel better. I nod and we walk out of the hotel and I soon find us sat at an ice cream parlor.

I'm sorry this is another kind of short chapter😖😖😖I thought that this would be a good cut off point. What are your thoughts about the accidentally released news that Patty and Max are together???


Bye loves,

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