> Chapter 28 <

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Three days later

Patty's POV

"Patty!" Jason whines really drawn out like a three year old as he walks into the living room.

"What?" I say the exact same way he had just spoken.

"My god you two are so weird." Max laughs as she sits up on the couch we're on in the living room.

"Patty the whole gang in the house hasn't been out all together in forever." Jason sighs as he flops down on the other couch I'm the living room.

"Well Jesus Jason it's 2:00am where are you wanting to go?" I laugh. Everyone is still up but there's nothing to do really. We don't have the time for a road trip because we won't get back until like 7:00am and no place is open right now.

"I don't know, you're supposed to be the smart one."

"Well why don't we get everyone down here in the living room and we can watch a move. Max and I aren't even two minutes into The Rocky Horror Picture Show so why don't you go get everyone from upstairs and we can start the movie over and watch it as family, sound fun?" I suggest.

"See this is why you're the smart one, Patty." Jason smiles as he gets up from the couch and runs up the stairs.

"If you would be amazing and rewind to the beginning I will go make some popcorn." I say to Max as I stand up from the couch and go toward the kitchen.


Two hours later

By the time the movie ended, both Max and Karim had fallen asleep. Max only fell asleep like ten minutes ago though so she pretty much saw the ending. Jason left about half way through and went back upstairs, presumably to go to bed, the only ones left who were awake were me, Luke, and Emma.

"Well Patty, I'll leave you to deal with the sleeping ones, goodnight." Emma says as she stands up from the couch.

"I guess I will follow." Luke yawns as he too gets up from the couch and follows Emma to the stairs.

"Max, Max wake up." I say in a slight whisper as I shake Max's shoulder.

"Hmm?" She groans as she sits up on the couch and rubs under her eyes.

"The movie is over, you fell asleep about two minutes ago, do you want to go upstairs?"

"Mhmm." She nods as she stands up and starts walking over to the stairs, slightly wobbling back and forth. She must be incredibly exhausted.

She keeps walking and goes straight into my room and lays down on the bed. I walk in after her and turn on the bedside lamp before going to sit down on the bed.

"What time is it?" Max asks, curling over onto her side and burying part of her face in the pillow.

"It's past four in the morning." I say as I lay back down on the bed next to her, her back facing me. She turns around on the bed so that she's now facing me and crosses one of her arms across my chest and lays her head on my shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, just tired." Max mumbles and lays one of her legs across mine. "I can't believe I stayed up until 4:00am." She says over a yawn, barely audible.

"Well then go to sleep, our sleeping schedule is already fucked up enough, we don't need it getting any worse." I say as I try to lean over and turn off the lamp without moving Max too much. I turn out the light and fully lay back down, now in the darkness.

Eight hours later

"Patty... Patty wake up." I hear Max's voice say softly. I open my eyes and see Max sitting on the bed next to me, her hand on my shoulder.

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