>Nothing Much<> Chapter 2 <

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One week later

Kat's POV

It's been a week since I arrived here and nothing much has happened. I mean, SitC has been filed as a more important priority than it was when I arrived, Luke showed me some awesome editing tips, Jason dyed his hair red and I met his girlfriend Marina, I had to film another video for my channel, and I grew decent friendships with all of the guys but other than that, not much has happened.

After having that little mental recap, I rolled over in my bed and grabbed my phone to see what time it was and check Twitter. After realizing its 12 in the afternoon yet it feels like 8:00am. I mean, my body has made some progress in adjusting. Anyways, Emma wanted to go out shopping today so I should probably get up and get dressed and shit.

I stand up to go make sure Emma is awake and still wants to go shopping. I find her in the kitchen eating cereal. "Are we still going shopping?" I ask her, she says that she still wants to if that's ok with me which obviously is and we plan to leave in an hour or so. I run back upstairs to get dressed, put on makeup, do hygiene shit, and quickly curl my short brown hair that barely passes my shoulders.

"Aye Mac, let's go!" I hear Emma shout from downstairs conveniently right as I putting on my shoes.

"Kay!" I shout back before grabbing my phone and running downstairs, my skater skirt bouncing as I run down the stairs.

"Ooh, someone's dressed quite girly today isn't she." Emma jokes once she sees what I'm wearing which is a black skirt, a baby pink crop top, a fluffy pink cardigan, and a pair of white converse chucks.

"Hey, shut up." I laugh back, rolling my eyes as we walk out the door and shout bye to the guys, hoping they'll hear us from wherever they were in the house. I'm pretty sure I heard Patty and Luke shout bye back, I don't know if Karim and Jason didn't hear us but if they didn't, they'll get the news eventually.

"So, I don't normally go here but I'm going to try to get you to experience as many British things as possible so I hope you brought a decent but of money because we're going to Top Shop." She says trying to get me excited jokingly in that annoying mom way as we pull out of the garage in her car.

"Isn't it like an over priced H&M?" I ask. I've been to the Top Shop in Atlanta on my birthday trip to there one year and that's what it seemed to be from what I saw.

"Kind of but slightly more 'high fashion'" she says in an extremely posh way. I just laugh, roll my eyes, and turn on the radio to play music as we continue our drive to the mall.

Once we go inside, Emma and I get soft pretzels before she leads me to the Top Shop. "Let's get some shit that we don't need." Emma jokes as we walk inside the store, making me laugh lightly.

We walk around the rest of the mall for about two hours before we leave to go back home. Emma didn't get much but I got almost fifteen things. They were all decently cheap so it's not that big of a deal.

"Oh my god! How have I not mentioned this yet?" Emma almost shouts unexpectedly within 5 minutes after we left the mall. I jump in my seat since we hadn't been speaking and, you know, we're in a car and she just fucking shrieked.

"What the hell?" I ask.

"What? Anyways, I need to tell you something." She says, acting as if she hadn't done anything.

"What is it?" I ask in one long sigh.

"Ok so I know you're going to say this is bullshit because there was literally almost no verbal communication between you two but I think something-"

"Oh my fucking God just get to the point." I laugh. She had been quickly rambling on like a giddy teenage girl.

"I was, damn. But I need to give you a little background information. Patty is straight obsessed with music, he adores it. Whenever he talks about it his eyes light up in a certain way that only happens when he talks about music, probably the one thing he loves most in life. Other than like, his mum or whatever. And I swear, I could see that light in his eyes when he looked at you." She explains.

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