>Twenty Six<> Chapter 26 <

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One week later

Max's POV

"You're back!" I smile as I hop up from the bed and run over to Patty as he walks through the door to his bedroom.

"Yes, I have been gone for two whole days, it feels like a millions years doesn't it." Patty laughs sarcastically before he leans down and kisses my forehead. "Man, sometimes I forget how tiny you are."

"Oh shut up, I'm not that small." I smile back at him.

"Oh I beg to differ, I can literally carry you." He says as he places his bags down on the ground and his guitar in the corner on his guitar stand.

"Nuh uh." I laugh as he walks back over to me.

"Oh really?" Patty smirks as he grabs me by my waist and lifts me up. He lifts me towards him and I wrap my legs around his waist to kind of support myself.

"Okay maybe I'm a little bit on the smaller side." I laugh as I lace my arms around his shoulders.

"Yeah, just a little bit." He smiles as he kisses my cheek. He lowers me back down and I walk back over to the bed.

"So, how were the shows?" I ask as I lay down on the bed.

"They were fun, I got to meet a lot of new people like I usually do so that was probably the most amazing part of it. Many many pictures were taken." Patty smiles as he walks over to the bed and lies down next to me. "I want to hear about what you did while I was gone."

"Not much at all really. I didn't even leave your room much, hence as to why I'm only wearing underwear and a huge t shirt." I laugh as he runs his hand up and down my arm and kisses my cheek. "Do you need something?" I ask jokingly.

"Maybe..." Patty smiles, drawing out the word a lot. I turn my head and kiss him on the lips. He wraps one of his hands behind my neck and pushes his lips against mine.

"Happy?" I smile as I pull away from him.

"Maybe, maybe not." He smirks as he leans forward to kiss me again.

"Why do you always get in this mood after you some back home from playing shows?" I ask him as I lightly push him away by his chest.

"Because I go a few days without seeing you and then I get to see how gorgeous you are again and it makes me happy and excited." Patty says as he bites his lip lightly and scans over my body with his eyes. I feel my heart starting to beat faster as he wraps his hand back behind my head and kisses me again, lightly pulling at my hair. He flips himself over so that he's hovering above me and removes his hand from behind my head. "God, I love you." He breathes lightly as he pulls away for a split second and slides his hands down to my waist.

I whine softly and he tightens his grip around my waist. He rolls his hips down onto mine and I quickly bite my bottom lip. "Patty I- we shouldn't. Everyone is home right now." I stutter as I gently push him away.

"It's fine, we'll just have to be quiet." Patty smiles as he quickly, within five seconds, reconnects his lips with mine and slides one of his hands under my shirt and starts to rub my through my underwear. I gasp and press my nails into his shoulders lightly. It's not that I want him to stop, I don't, I just know that everyone is home and we shouldn't. Although, I could just not say anything and let him keep going. No, I shouldn't.

"Patty w-" is as much as I can say before I start moaning and I close my mouth and he starts kissing me again. Maybe I shouldn't stop him, I mean, I really don't want to. No, I need to, but how do I? I'll try to just say it again. "Patty y-you-" is all I can manage before I begin to whine again. What do I do? I reach down and grab his arm, I press my nails slightly into his lower arm.

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