> Chapter 29 <

31 2 0

Max's POV

"Fuck, Patty, it's already 10:00. We've been watching this for four hours, let's take a break, maybe get some food." I say when the Netflix screen changes to the 'are you still watching' screen.

"Fine, but we are finishing this soon. I'll film some video tomorrow to upload but then we are going to finish this season, it's so good." Patty smiles, closing his laptop and sitting up on the bed. "Do you want to eat here or out?"

"Let's eat here, do black bean burgers sound good?" I ask as I sit up on the bed too.

"That sounds wonderful, let's go."

We go downstairs, being pretty quiet. When we go to the kitchen we walk past the living room where we see Emma and Luke sitting on the couch watching a movie. They're just slightly cuddling, like the awkward clique high school relationship you'd see in a Disney movie, trying to not be sexual at all. Now seeing two 'adults' doing it is hilarious.

"Woah there, sorry, didn't mean to invade on your little at home date." Patty jokes as we walk into the kitchen, making me laugh under my breath. Patty hops up and sits on the island in the middle of the kitchen while I search through the freezer for frozen bean burgers and the pantry for burger buns.

"Piss off." Luke replies from the couch with a slight tone of humor in his voice.

"Here." I say, setting the buns and burgers down on the counter next to where Patty is sitting.

"Thank you love." He smiles and hops off the counter. "Could you see if we have any frozen fries in the fridge?"

"We do, I'll grab them." I respond as I walk back to the fridge and get out the fries as Patty preheats the oven.

"Ugh, it's gonna take like 10 minutes for the oven to heat up. Do you want to go back upstairs?" Patty asks. I simply respond sure so we both go back upstairs into Patty's room.

"So Luke and Emma are in the awkward beginning stage of their relationship." I laugh as we sit back down on Patty's bed. Patty's phone dings from a text message, he picks it up and reads it.

"Shit, that was Ben. Our band manager is wanting to set us up to go on a kinda large UK tour." He says.

"Do you know when?"

"I'll ask." Patty responds. He starts typing and about thirty seconds after he stops his phone dings again.

"Well it's March 27 and Ben says they'll need at least a month to plan it and then we'll need to release dates about a month and a half in advance. We won't do any new merch for the tour so it will be during the summer, June or July." He explains.

"How long are you normally gone on these things?" I ask, slightly sad. He said it's going to be a larger tour so he'll probably be gone a decent time.

"Usually about two weeks, the UK isn't that huge, well in comparison to countries like America. But I'll also be going to a lot more band practices the next few months before this." Patty says. My heart drops a little, I hate it when he's gone for long periods at a time.

"Oh, okay." Respond with a small smile. "But, like you said, that's over two months away."

"Yeah, we don't need to worry about that now. But band practices the month before a tour are usually like three hours every other day, so I won't be gone too much." Patty says, making me slightly less upset.

"Why don't we go back downstairs and put the food in? The oven is probably nearing hot enough." I suggest.

"Sure, maybe we can invade Luke and Emma's lil' date." Patty laughs as we stand up from the bed and leave his room.

"No, don't be a dick. I think they're probably an actual thing now and I don't want to be invasive." I smile back as we walk down the stairs.

"Fine." Patty sighs. "Ooh, why don't we eat outside? Since now that it's technically spring and no longer miserably cold out."

"Sounds great." I reply, taking out four black bean burger buns and putting them on a cookie sheet along with a ton of fries and sticking it in the oven. About thirty minutes go by where me and Patty just sit around in the kitchen until the food is ready.

"Are we still gonna eat outside?" Patty asks as I hand him a plate and he gets his food from the tray.

"Yeah, let's go." I say and we walk out the back door and sit on the patio in chairs.

"So, do you have anything you want to do anytime soon?" Patty asks, creating a conversation over diner.

"Funny you ask, I was thinking about this today, I have never done a haul on my channel so I was going to see if Emma would go shopping with me sometime this week and we could do a little colab thing." I explain. I'm trying to morph my YouTube channel into a slight beauty channel instead of just vlogs and comedy stuff.

"I'm sure Emma will not pass up any chance to go to a lush so you should be set for that." He smiles.

Thirty minutes later

Patty and I walk back into the house. Emma and Luke have disappeared from the living room, probably up to one of their bedrooms.

"Do you want to go back upstairs or do you want to watch somethings down here in the living room?" Patty asks as we put away our dishes.

"You can get Netflix on this tv, right?" I ask, walking slowly towards the living room.

"Yeah." He responds.

"Well then let's stay down here." I say. Patty walks over to the couch, grabs the remote, and gets the tv onto Netflix. "Is there anything you want to watch?"

"Not in particular, how about you? If not we can just keep watching Riverdale." Patty shrugs as I sit down next to him.

"Have you ever seen Heathers?" I ask and he looks slightly confused.

"I can't say I have." Patty smiles lightly.

"It's one of those movies about high school, it's from the 80s though and it is so much more intense. It's a great movie if you're down to watch it." I respond. I look back at the tv screen and see that he's already halfway done typing the title into the search bar. "I'll take that as a yes." I laugh, making him smile again.

"Alright, here we go."

Two hours later

"Okay, okay, okay. When you said this was going to be a movie about high school I was like 'alright I'll watch it with her because she seems excited about it' but that was so fucking good and so intense." Patty laughs as he turns off the tv and gets kind of excited.

"I know right? On another note, it's one o'clock in the morning, are you ready to go back upstairs and lay down? I'm getting kind of tired." I ask, turning to face Patty.

"Yeah, sure." Patty responds so I remove my legs from his lap since somehow at some point of watching this movie I just lauded down in his lap and stand up. Patty gets up too and I follow him over to and up the stairs. I go into my room to take off my makeup and change into pajamas and then go back into Patty's to go to sleep.

Ok so I think this is the end because all these past few chapters are random old drafts from like a year and a half ago and I'm totally not into as it is anymore and I know I'm letting a lot of people down and I'm sorry but yeah bye guys

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2018 ⏰

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