>Summer In The City pt. 2<> Chapter 6 <

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(Ok so I suck at titles so all of the chapter where they are at SitC will just be called Summer in the City pt._ but there shouldn't be more than like 3)

Kat's POV

Me and Emma are headed back to the hotel after getting some vegan ice cream which was actually very delicious.

"Oh, also we did some last minute adjustments and you get to be part of the panel with me, Jason, and Patty tomorrow." Emma tells me. I get excited because I get to do my first ever panel but I'm also kind of terrified because, well, it's my first ever panel.

"That's awesome! What time is it at?" I ask as we walk through the sliding doors of the hotel and make our way towards the elevators.

"6:00 so we will just leave to go get dinner right afterwards. Also it's a Q&A panel so there will be a mic in the audience being passed around and people will ask us questions." She says. I hope we can just go to Nandos or something and not get mobbed by viewers of Emma, Patty, Jason, Karim, and Luke because boy that sure has happened here. It's kind of cool thought because some of them even know me, and not just through the others. They knew about me before I ever moved here which kind of surreal, having people across the globe recognize you and refer to themselves as a "fan" of you.

Well, never mind about that because we have to leave for the next gathering in less than 30 minutes! All I plan to do is touch up my hair so that it isn't a frizzy mess and brush my teeth.

"Max, you ready?" Emma shouts from the bathroom. I say yeah and we walk out of the room and go back towards the same building we were just at less than three hours ago.

Oh god, I just realized something. A ton of people will have seen the tweet by now. What if they ask me about it? What will I say? I can't lie to them, but if I say that I can't say or I don't want to, they'll know that we are dating. I guess I'll just have to tell them the truth. I hate having to say this so early. What if it doesn't work out? What if we break up and people choose sides or start drama? Let's not think about that now, and let's hope that that doesn't happen if this relationship ends any time soon.

"So where exactly are we going?" I ask Emma. I don't know what building we're going to, I just know that Emma has a meet and greet and in tagging along.

"Well the meet up is in front of a building. The name of the building, I don't know. The location of the building, I do." Emma says as we walk up to an area of almost 100 people in a thick line, being kept in line with poles with black rope connected to them that represented almost a fence. I few people turn around and begin waving, a few of them gasping. Small murmurs were passed around and now almost everybody in the line is looking at us, a few of them were shouting 'hi Emma' or 'hi Max' so we wave at them. We get to the front of the line and Emma begins to hug, talk to, and take photos with the fans. A few of them even talked to me and asked for a photos with me too. We were about 20 people into the ever growing line before I got the first question about me and Patty. It was a younger girl, maybe 13 or 14. She had long blonde hair and the bottom of it was dyed a gorgeous light blue.

"So, is it true? Are you and Patty together?" She asks me. She wasn't giddy about it or anything, she asked it pretty casually. I guess I'll have to tell her the truth, I can't lie to her.

"Yes we are but I would really appreciate it if you didn't, like, shout about it and tell everyone. We are trying to not make a big deal out of it because this information got released much sooner than we had hoped but nothing is really going to that plan." I say with a nervous laugh.

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