Chapter One

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(I do not own anything only my OCs, the Expenables is not mine.)

Barney Pov

Barney pulled up into the drive way of Tools Tattoo Shop in his old black truck. He stepped out of the car then walked into the store and saw the his crew was already there. He had just gotten a new job from Church and had decided to call an Expendables meeting to share it with them. His crew consisted of 6 guys. His second hand man was Lee Christmas who had a strong belief that knifes were better weapons than guns. There was Gunnar Jensen, a recovering druggie who seemed to enjoy his job way to much. Next came Toal Road who was once a high school wrestler and now had Cally Flower ears and was some one who enjoyed blowing things up and was also a demolitions expert. Hail Ceaser was their definete weapons specialist and was really just a good guy even in his line of work. Lastly there was Yin Yang, the smallest guy on the team but was a black belt in almost all hand to hand combat like Kung Fu, Twi Kwond Do, you name it. Oh wait then ther was Tool, he's an Ex Mercinary and tends to like younger weman and does tattoos, including Barenys.

 Barney let out a half smile when the guys all greeted him as he sat down and flipped of the cap of a beer bottle " Alright now, the new mission we have is to take down a man by the name of Fransisco Rodica. He is a well known drug dealer and is almost impossible to get to. His location for next few months is on a small island near the Phillipines that is supposedly a wild bird reserve but he has an under ground drug base there. There's only one entrance and it is of course very heavily guarded. " Barney said and looked around at the group and saw that most of them seemed up to it of course. " So what do we do? Go in and drop a nuke?" Gunnar asked sarcastically

" We will defiantly blow the place up " Barney answered much to Toll Roads pleasing " But we have to take Fransico Rodica alive" Barney answered him " What do you guys think?" Barney asked leaning back in his chair and looking at the guys around him. "Well as long as there not a small army waiting for us again than of course I'm in" Lee said shrugging while taking a quick swig of his beer. 

"Well I think it's crazy, I've watched plenty of other mercianries try to go in there and get killed. I only know of one person who made it out alive" Tool said leaning forward with a look of concern on his face. Barney scrunched his thick eyebrows " What are you talking about of course other mercianries have died trying already that's why Church called our team in" Barny said back crossing his shredded arms. " No I'm telling you brother almost no one goes in and comes back out alive. Didn't Church tell you that? There have been many people who tried to kill Fransisco. He's like a living ghost legend" Tool said.

" Well that's what are team does, we do the impossible" Yin said matter of factly and Ceaser nodded in agreement. Tool looked at them seriously " Ok fine, but I know some one who can help you figure out the inside of Fransiscos drug base" Tool told them. "  That's good who is it?" Barney asked curiously. He knew this job would be harder than the others but now a days their team was known for the impossible things they over came. "Her name is Ferris Maquire" Tool said putting his know empty beer bottle down. 

" Wait it's a girl?" Gunnar asked confused " I've heard of her before, ain't she an arms dealer or something? " Ceaser asked. " I've heard the name too and don't we need a new arms dealer any way, last I checked Logan got killed for owning some one money" Barney said referring to their last arms dealer. Those guys never seemed to last very long.

"I can have you guys meet her" Tool suddgested looking around the group. Barney shrugged " We do need a new arms dealer and it would be great to have some one who's been in there before" Barney said then looked over at Lee. " How's about this, Lee and I will go scope out this girl Ferris then report back to you guys. In the mean time make a list of what guns and ammunition we are gonna need for this job" Barney said standing up while the guys nodded. Barney looked over to Tool, he knew Tool was weary of this particular job witch was unusual because to Barney he had done things crazier. 

"Tool you come with Lee and I " Barney said taking the keys from his pocket and started up the black truck. Tool and Lee both go in the truck as well " So where is this Ferris lady?" Lee asked in his rustic British accent. " Well normally she takes her weapon deals at a club named Parìdise. She's good friends with the owner too" Tool answered him. " Well at least she doesn't work there" Bareny said with a half smirk. He had never liked the wemon who worked at Clubs. They always wore too much makeup and were skanky as hell.

" She is the exact opposite of any stripper I know " Tool said with a full smirk " I think you'll like her, she a decent person for being in her line of work " Tool added.

Barney nodded. Barney never really liked a lot of people, mostly just the 6 loyal guys he worked with and Tool. I guess it was never a good thing to have a lot of friends and be a mercinary. Barney never was any good at making friends any way, and with his particular job it really wasn't a great attribute to have.

( Hey guys, uh please review and vote below, don't be a ghost reader) :)

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