Chapter 16

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Ferris POV

( hey this might be a really dramatic next two chapters so I will be going a little fast and not so boring because I know I can drone on about boring things sometimes so now this chapter should hopefully get you exited)

It had been a while since I had talk face to face with Barney but he had called me a few times and we just chit chatted. I really couldn't meet up with him since I was kind of busy trying to get the weapons we would need for our next job. It was most likely going to be a quick drop in and kill.

It was Tuesday, just a day before the mission would be put into effect. I decided to get an early night sleep.

-- Next Day------------

I had already got suited up in my bullet proof vest and pulled a black vest on top of it. My blonde hair was put up in a pony tail and I also put a baseball cap on. I decided to use my truck since I had to bring the weapons.

When I got to Tools place I could tell most of the team was there but I didn't see Ceaser's red Cameron there yet so I wasn't the last arrive thankfully. We got ready for the job and got all of our weapons ready. I had my usual two Barrettes but also had an Uzi strapped to my waist.

The plan was I was to go with Gunnar and Ceaser through the back entrance while Barney, Hale, and Lee went through the front. I personally didn't like being separated from Barney but that I knew it wouldn't be for very long.

We set out in the big Expendables and I sat up front with Barney. " I hate Wednesdays" I said out loud as I sat down in the second pilots seat and got strapped in.

" What's wrong with Wednesday's?" Barney asked curiously with the corner of his lips turned up. " Everything bad happens on Wednesdays" I said. Truthfully I had just always hated Wednesday's. Like honestly there was always something that just ticked me off with Wednesday's.

" But I was born on a Wednesday " Barney said in mock offense. " Well then that's an exception, and last I checked your 4 years older than I am so technically I was not alive to hate Wednesdays when you were born so ha" I claimed matter of factly with a sarcastic smile.

" Oh look who's being Mrs. Smarty" Barney said and I rolled my eyes. We talked for a while longer before I ended up falling asleep.

But soon enough we were near Madagascar. I yawned loudly as I woke up and notice Barney had switched with Lee so Barney could take a break from flying.

We landed the plane on the northern edge of the Island so we would come in undetected. We had to hike some 4 miles before we were in position to continue the job.

I was currently with Ceaser and Gunnaron the west entrance of the base while Barney, Gunnar, and Lee were taking the east entrance witch was less guarded. We then got the signal to go forward. There were 4 guards at the entrance but Gunnar took them out easily with his sniper. Ceaser had already put the cameras on a loop.

This should be a piece of cake.

The three of us went in and started kicking butt and it was going really well. That is until we found where Greenwood was hiding in his base. There were at least 25 guards and even with Gunnar's sniper we wouldn't get anywhere. I took out my Uzi knowing that gun could take out at least 10 but it wouldn't be enough. I started shooting along with Ceaser who had his ultra mega giant gun but then reinforcements started coming and we got separated.

Gunnar and Hale were both on the other side of the large cement hall of the bunker like base. But I think that was the idea. Greenwood must have been warned that we would be here. There were far too many guards here to be normal I mean if we were dealing with like 35 guys that means there must be another 35 on the other side of the building with Barney.

Suddenly a string of explosions went off the roof began to collapse in. I fell to the ground trying to not get turned into a pancake by a rock. Some one must of set of either a land mine or at least 5 grenades. It was just a miracle I wasn't squished by giant chunks of cement. Hopefully the rest of the team was ok because now I was on my own and now dealing with like half of dozen guards. They had all of their guns pointed at me. I knew that if I tried anything I would die.

" Don't shoot her, we can use as a hostage" Came a voice from one of the radios on the guards. I saw a camera in the corner and figured Greenwood must just be hiding and watching the whole thing as if it was some sort of sick movie.

" Drop your weapons!" The guard with the this big AK yelled and I did as told putting my Barrettas and Uzi on the floor. As well as my Bowie knife that I didn't tell you about but left the knife in my shoe. What? I couldn't tell you about all my weapons. You might have warned the enemy.

Two of the guards came up to me and grabbed both my arms and started pulling my roughly into a bark room and sat me in a chair then tied my hands behind me and both of my feet together.

The walked in a new man who I could bet was Greenwood. He had dark hair and olive skin. I glared at him and knew exactly what was coming.


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