Chapter 17

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Barney Pov

It had all been going good that is until the bomb went off. All in all it was all a failure to Barney when he managed to get out but had managed to take a hostage who just happened to be Greenwoods second hand man.

But Barney hadn't any idea that Ferris was mortal peril when he had taken Greenwoods man. Although, when he did find out he was pissed.

" You left her?!" Barney yelled at Gunnar and Ceaser, he felt a horrible pain in his chest that felt like he had just been shot by a gun. It felt exactly like how he felt when Sarah died.

" Barney the ceiling fell in, I'm sorry. We couldn't do anything " Ceaser claimed in a sorrow filled voice. Barney knew it truthfully wasn't his fault but he was still pissed. Barney buried his face in his hands and silently vowed he would kill Greenwood for taking Ferris from him. That man was to die painfully.

Hail put a hand on his shoulder in a comforting way. He was currently sitting in the passenger area of the plane while Lee flew. The rest of the plane ride it was silent. Everyone felt the supposed death of Ferris laying heavily on their shoulders.

When they landed at a base in South Africa to get refueled something odd happened. Ceasers hacking computer started to beep as though it had gotten a message of some sort. Honestly? What idiot was emailing them.

Ceased went to open the computer screen and his eyes widened "Barney! Ferris is still alive!" Ceased yelled out and instantly each of the Expendables rushed forward to the computer but Barney was the first to get there.

On the screen was a message and some sort of recorded video. Ceased cautiously pressed the play button and the room was so quiet you could hear the ticking of the clock on the east side of the landing base. It sounded annoyingly loud.

The video loaded and then started to play. It showed a beaten up Ferris sitting in a steel chair with her hands and feet tied up. There were two big men behind her one of witch was bald and the other one had closely cropped thin hair. Then there was Greenwood looking at the camera standing in front of Ferris. Barney clenched his fist.

"Yeah that's right we got your girl" That Greenwood prick said and Barney had to stop himself from chocking through the screen. " But luckily for you, you have some one of mine as well" Greenwood said and Barney glanced up and the still unconscious guy who claimed to be Greenwoods second hand man.

" Your girl here is strong, hasn't told us who you work for or anything. But that doesn't mean I won't get her to crack " Greenwood said smiling evilly with crooked teeth. Ferris looked up at the camera in a dazed kind of way. There were bruises on her face and scratches.

" I'm willing to make a trade " Greenwood said but Ferris butted in. " No! Barney it's a trap! Don't d--" Ferris screamed out in a hoarse voice and was cut off when the bald guy came up and hit her hard straight across the face. The bald guy then gripped her jaw and growled some angry words at her but Ferris tore her chin from his hands and head butted him. The bald man raise his fist to punch her but Greenwood stopped him.

Greenwood held up a hand for the bald guy to stop. " You know I like your girly here, she's feisty " Greenwood said as Ferris spit out some blood on the floor glaring at Greenwood. " So here's the deal, you bring my man and I bring your girl and we meet tomorrow at the docking bay just 20 clicks from my base. Be there at 2pm" Greenwood claimed and then the video stopped.

Barney clenched his jaw as the rest of the team took in what they just saw. " We are going to get her" Lee said out loud. The rest of the team nodded in agreement.

" Well it's obvious they won't keep to their deal" Gunnar stated.

Barney stood to his full height.

"That's why I got a plan"

Ferris pov

" This is the last time I will ask you nicely" Greenwood said trying for the 10th time to get me to talk. "Who do you work for?" Greenwood asked irritably.

" Just your mother" I claimed loudly and that the was the last straw for Greenwood. Greenwood gestured towards one of the two big guys behind me and put a slender cord around my neck and chocked me.

I felt my lungs burning in agony soon after -5 seconds and after 45 he loosened up and I gasped for breath. " Who do you work for!" The man who was chocking me yelled at me. He was bald and had a squashed nose

" Your hairdresser" I managed to sputter out and felt the crowd tighten again.

After the suffocation torture, they tried water boarding, and then just resorted to hitting me. My whole body was so numb I could hardly breath and was going in and out of consciousness. My through the hurt like hell and my hands were tingling painfully from the tightness of the ropes hold them back.

Greenwoods men brought in a camera and I knew exactly who he was recording to. I had a difficult time understanding what he was saying but when I heard " I'm willing to make a trade" come from Greenwood and yelled out. " No!Barney it's a trap! Don't d-" I was cut off by the bald guy hitting me and after that hit I could hardly even mutter a cuss word at him. I could only spat out the blood in my mouth.

Well this would go either really well or really bad.

Most likely the latter.

( yes I know I'm horrible and left you at cliffhanger. Sour I know. But this story is soon to come to an end. It seems to soon but I'm running out of ideas and I don't want to be an author that tries to carry on an already finished book. It's like a clingy girlfriend trying to still date you after a break up.

Anyway, please vote and comment :))

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