Chapter 15

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Ferris pov ( 3 days later)

I hadn't talked to Barney or any other part of the team in 3 days. I had been close to calling Barney but could never get myself to press the call button so instead I called Lee who I hoped could help. As I dialed Lee's number my cat Marrco jumped into my lap and started purring like a motorboat. I rolled my eyes and waiting for Lee to pick up.

" Hello?"

"Oh hey Lee its me Ferris? Can I talk to you about something?"

" Sure what's up?"

" Well you know how we came back from our mission 3 days ago?"

"Yeah" Lee said with a confused tone.

"Well since I didn't have a car to drive home in Barney offered to take me home and I when we got to my house I asked him if he wanted a drink"

" Oh gosh did you sleep with him?" Lee said and I could imagine the smile on his face so vividly.

My face went red " No! Nothing like that but.... I kissed him"

" Aww Barney finally found a girlfriend" Lee said in a stupid high voice and I seriously wanted to smack him. I just disregarded what Lee said instead.

"But after he kissed me he left in a hurry and we haven't talked in 3 days" I told him.

" Well he might just be confused, I mean Barney hasn't really like any woman since what happened to Sarah"

Wait who was Sarah?

" Who's Sarah?"

" Well... when the Expendables team was first being formed we had a girl on the team who was basically Barney's girl. But back then I wasn't on the team so I don't know the whole story, only that Sarah died." Lee said and I felt a small pang of jealousy then a wave of sadness. I knew what it was like to lose some one you loved.

"Oh.... I didn't know...."

" Hey it's ok, I know Barney likes you a lot and that you like him back so I'm sure everything will work out".

I nodded feeling reassured " Thanks Lee" I told him.

" No problem, go ahead and talk to him. I got to go so bye".

" Bye" I said then hung up. So that's why Barney was a bit shy. I sighed and closed my eyes as my other cat Polo decided to start licking my hand trying to get me to pet him.

I sat there thinking for like ten minutes when I got the text from Barney saying that there was team meeting for a new job that was going to happen about a week and half from now.

I sighed and started to changed out of my pajamas and into a pair of comfortable jeans and a long sleeved purple sweater.

-time skip-

I pulled up into the driveway of tools shop on my Pantera that I had picked up from the club a few days ago. I saw a few cars already parked upfront and then walked towards the door and walked in. All the guy greeted me happily of course and I smiled and sat down next to Ceaser.

I did my best to avoid Barney's hawk like haze because I knew if I looked at him my face would become as red as a fire truck. Lee looked at me with this stupid smile on his face and I was so close to smacking him with a nearby news paper.

After the last guy arrived, Gunnar, Barney started talking about the new job. " Ok guys here's the new job. We have to take out a man by the name of Anthony Greenwood. He is some sort of human and drug trafficker. Any way, all we have to do is go to his home base where he will be for the next two weeks that is located on an Island off of Madagascar. So we sweep in, take Greenwood out, then come back home" Barney told the group while his eyes flitted back to me several times during the explanation.

The rest of the team nodded " Oh and Ferris we are going to need some new guns for this job" Barney said in his normal stoic voice and I nodded. " I can probably get them by Tuesday" I said shrugging and Barney nodded his approval.

After the rest of the guys asked some questions and got a good idea of what they had to do, Gunnar decided to break out the beer and of course we all started drinking. Thankfully the beer helped get my mind off of Barney as I started talking with Ceaser and Hale about all kinds of weird stuff.

However, after a few hours people started to leave for their own homes or for errands they had to do. Soon enough it was just me, Barney, and Lee. " Uh gosh look at the time I got to go get eggs for Lacy, bye" Lee said with a knowing smile on his face and left.

Now it was just me and Barney. " So Barney how's life's?" I blurted out since I had no idea what to say.

" Well it's going pretty good you know just living a good mercenarys life" Barney said shrugging while taking another sip of beer. I nodded looking down and bit my lip nervously.

" Ferris I'm sorry about what happened the other night, I feel bad that I've made it awkward between us" Barney said kind of quickly.

I sighed " Well come on Barney are we just gonna deny our feeling for each other forever " I said feeling brave for saying that. I mean come on I knew pretty well he liked me a lot or at least enough.

Barney smirked softly leaning forward in his chair " Well it's just difficult because I haven't been exactly attracted to a women in 8 years" he told me and I saw a flash of glazed sadness cross his eyes. I knew he was most likely talk about Sarah but I didn't ask him about it.

I timid put my hand on his " Well I know having a relationship with some one while being a mercenary comes with risks but if your willing I will be too" I said and was kind of scared I had maybe said to much.

But Barney just looked at me and then sighed " I will defiantly be willing " Barney said with a half smirk and I smiled and leaned in to kiss him again and he immediately returned it. It was soft and not as heated as the first but it felt good. After a few minutes I pulled away and took a deep breath.

" Uh well it's getting late so I should get going" I said kind of quickly and Barney nodded his head in understand and stood up with me to walk me to my car. Once we got to my Pantera I looked up at him " Well good night" I said smiling even though I was sad I was leaving. " Good night, sleep well" Barney said in his still rustic voice. I got on my top toes and pecked his cheek then got in my car and drove home with this warm feeling.

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