Chapter 8

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Ferris Pov

It's been perhaps a week since I had joined the Expendables. I had gone over to Tools shop twice to go hang out with the  guys and it was always really fun but I never got as drunk as I did the first time. The guys on the Expendables were pretty respectful I mean of course there's always the occasional dirty joke from Gunnar or sometimes Ceaser but it was always good humor you know. 

There was this one night that stood out from the others. It was the third time I had gone to visit Tool and the rest of the Expendables. I was just leaving when I was stopped by Lee of all people. I didn't know him that well other than he had a weird fetish for knifes and some serious girlfriend trouble. 

" You know he likes you right?" Lee said in his deep cockney accent.

" He who? Please tell me it ain't Gunnar"I said and Lee looked at me as if it was some how obvious

"Can you actually not tell how Barney is always nervous, well at least doesn't act like an unsentimental robot around you?" Lee asked. I laughed "Barney?! Yeah huh sure. Stop messing with me Lee" I said and opened to the door to my truck.

" It's the truth Ferris the whole team sees it. We make fun of him all the time for it" Lee told me as I was halfway through the door to sitting down in the drivers seat. Could it be true? I mean Barney was a nice guy but well I wasn't sure if I liked him that way. Maybe I did. 

" Good night Lee" I said starting up my truck and drove away from Tools shop to my home.

I contemplated on what Lee told me like all night. Was he just messing with me? Or was he telling the truth? Lee was never one to mess with me that was always Ceaser, Gunnar, and Toal. 

There was a good possibility it was true. But I couldn't tell for sure.

I feel asleep soon after dreaming a tattooed man that was leader of a group of mercenaries.

NEXT DAY -------------------------------------

I was called into Tools shops since they had been offered a new job.  I drove there in my red pantera and saw the Lee, Ceaser, and Toal were already there. I smiled hello and sat down next to Toal. Lastly Gunnar came in and then we started talking real business. 

" So this new guy we have to kill is a man named " Rocco Monte ". He is a main part of women trafficking and he has some ones daughter we need to get out as well as all the other girls he has." Barney said as he looked around the group. Personally I hadn't heard of Rocco Monte before but it seemed a simple job. 

" So we just kill Rocco Monte and get the girls he has hoarded up. Sounds to easy" Toal said and Ceaser nodded in agreement. " Well here the catch. We have to figure out where he's keeping the girls. Meaning we have to have some one go on the inside" Barney said and looked right at me as well as the rest if the group. Oh dear...

"So what exactly am I doing?" I asked precautiosly. 

" Well our guy Rocco likes short blondes so your prefect. Just use your womanly charms" Banrey said blandly smirking softly at me.

I rose a brow " Ok do you self a favor and never call me short again and what womanly charms?" I asked crossing my arms. All the guys seemed to either smile or chuckle at my response.

" It's only for one night. You just have to go into the club he will be at and make your self " available" Lee said with a half smirk on his features. 

I sighed and put hand under my chin and looked at Barney " I don't get a choice do I? " I asked.

" Unfortunately no" Barney told me looking down at me warmly. I groaned " When do I have to dress like a slut then?" I asked looking up at Barney who was looking straight at me and I felt my heart rate go up.

 " Tomorrow"

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