Chapter 3

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" Look Ferris, I know this is a difficult topic for you to talk about but these guys really need the help" Tool told me as I sighed looking down at the polished wood floors. I looked at the man named Lee then at Bareny. "Did the person who gave you guys then job tell you about this guys back ground information for when it comes to killing people? That man is a phsycopath! " I exlcalimed with clear concern etched upon my face. I didn't hardly even know these two but no one else needed to die at the hands of Rodica. " That's what I told them but they don't believe me" Tool declared profoundly.

" So what he's a killed people, so have we. He may be crazy but we could be classified as insane too for the things we've accomplished" Lee said and seemed to be confused since normally Tool was never one to worry so much for the missions their team got. " Oh I believe you have done the impossible, I beleieve you. I've heard all about the Expendables team and how there isn't a mission too difficult for them" I said with praise in my voice " But this man is almost impossible to get too! You may get in but there's no way you get back out un touched or even alive" I told them and then pulled up my short sleeve to show my bullet wound that would have killed me if it had been two inches closer to my heart. 

" The men who work for him don't miss their mark you know" I said gesturing to my bullet wound witch had scared and had just very faintly faded over. Barney rose a brow, he knew he wasn't going to turn down Church's job but at least he knew now they would have to go in over prepared. Although from what Ferris has said he wasn't even sure thier team could go in over prepared. 

"Wait did you go in there alone?" Barney asked in his baritone voice. I looked down before answering as the memories of that last mission that changed my life passed through my mind. That Rodica mission was my last. That job tore me apart.

" I didn't go in alone" I said softly and found my hand around the locket again " You know what lets go ahead and continue this conversation at my weapons base" I said handing them my card and then bid them good bye before leaving. 

One I got into my red Pantera I felt my eyes begin to water as I thought about the two people I used to work with as a bounty hunter. They were my family. The only people I had left.

Barneys pov

Barney watched Ferris leave with her long legs gracefully walking across the floor and around the many dancing people. " Oh great brother you scared her off" Tool said with a sarcastic tone. Barney shrugged " I just asked a question " Barney said in his defense and began to wonder what exactly happened when she went on the mission for Rodica. " Yeah a very sensitive question" Tool added.

" Hey I may act like I know every thing sometimes but I actually don't " Barney said as the three walked out of the club casually. Now the place was really getting crowded. " Ain't that the truth" Lee said smirking at Barney. " Oh shut up" Barney said as they all got into the truck.

" So what did that Rodica guy do to Ferris?" Barney asked as he started the truck and started to drive away from the club. " Well I don't think I'm at librity to share that information. You'd have to ask her yer self" Tool answered. The rest of the ride was mostly silent as they made their way to Tool's shop. Barney sat in the driving seat thinking of Ferris for a while. He was completely aware that on missions it was dangerous but Ferris made it sounds like we went from Mission Imposible straight to Mission In-freaken-sanity. ( Oh yes I just did)

Barney sighed and when he got home he went to bed and had dreams of a creamy skinned, blonde girl he had met at a night club.

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