3 Years Later

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I felt someone climb into my bed,soon I was being shook.Kohitsuji started to jump as I opened my eyes.She smiled,as I rolled onto my back and she sat on my stomach."Morning Princess."I say with a tired smile."Mo-rning daddy."She said having trouble saying morning.She got off my stomach as I sat up,picking her up.Lately shes been waking up early,its like 6:58.All my killings been on the news,my favorite one was the doctor.I beat him so much with my hammer that he was unrecognizable,by the police.

Not even his wife and son could recognize him.Kohitsuji is the sweetest little girl,she has been learning things from cartoons like the informational ones.She knows how to count to 5 now.Anyway,she held her hands up to be carried.I carried her on my hip to the kitchen and sat her in her booster seat.I gave her cereal,and got some for myself.I ate as she began to laugh."Whats so funny?"I ask her looking at her."Daddy hair is messy!"She said in a hyper voice,giggling.I laughed."So is yours Kohitsuji."We soon finished eating,I plan to take her to a pet shop.Its just about to be her 4th birthday,so why not get her a pet?

I got dressed then got her dressed.I grabbed my keys and we left to the pet store.Once we got there she ran to the black golden retriever.A worker came over to me."He was left by the store a week ago,potty trained even.Hes about to turn one."I nodded,I went knelt down to Kohitsuji."You want him?"I asked with a smile.She nodded fast,giggling.I stood up again,and looked at the worker."I'll take him."The worker nodded,she walked over to the desk,grabbing a blue leash and collar."Hes $28 without the collar and leash,with it its about $35."I nodded paying and put the collar and leash on him.She held the leash closer to her,I held the handle as we walked home.

Once we got into the house I took off the leash putting it on the counter,she pet the puppy."What you wanna name him Kohitsuji?"I ask sitting on the floor.She tapped her finger on her cheek,adorable."Bear!"She said her smile widening."Bear it is"I say petting him."I'll have grandma come watch you so I can buy birthday presents and buy Bear things he will need."I say looking at my phone."Granny is coming!"Kohitsuji says as Bear began to wag his tail,licking Kohitsuji's face.Making her giggle.I hear a car drive into the drive through.My mom is here,I heard the front door open."Danny I am here!"I hear her somewhat yell.I stood up going to her."Hey mom,Kohitsuji and her puppy is in the kitchen."I say walking with her to the kitchen."Theres the princess!"My mom says as Kohitsuji puts her hands up.My mom picking her up."Look how big you got!"Kohitsuji giggled."I got a puppy!"She yells pointing a Bear who is sitting wagging his tail.

"You did?Whats his name?"My mom asks with a smile."Bear!I named him myelf."She said missing the S in myself.Shes so cute,its just so adorable.No,my mother doesn't know I kill,she thinks I have a stay at home job,like online teacher or something."Well,I have to het going.Her bedtime is 6 if I'm not by then."I say before kissing Kohitsuji on the head."I'll see you when I get home my princess."I say with a smile,then grabbing my keys again leaving.As I shut the door I saw a pair of eyes looking out the window.Kohitsuji watched me as I grabbed my grey bag going to the mall.First buying her some dolls and stuffed animals.I then buy her a blue and white dress.

Now the pet store,I buy a dog bed,toys,and a name tag with my information and Bear's name on it.I start home,before I left the mall's area I see a man looking at me.I look at him,with a what look.He pulls out a gun going towards me.Really,a gun?This is why I bring my hammer everywhere.He pulled me into an alley."Give me all your money,or I'll shoot you."My eyes turn green as I put the shopping bags down."Okay,just one second."I say trying not to laugh as I put my hand in my grey bag.He continued to point the gun at me,loading it."Hurry up jackass."He says holding the gun close to my chest.I pull out the hammer,smashing his shoulder.As I did this,he pulled the trigger.I felt intense pain.

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