Final Goodbyes

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It's been about an hour,Kohitsuji was put to bed a few minutes ago.I put my hammer in my bag and slipped on my gloves.I put in the bag and went towards Juliet kissing her."Try to be back before 2 okay?"She said with a faint smile.I nod."I will I promise."I say with a smile.She hugged me and I left soon after.I looked at a piece of paper with his address on it.I felt my eyes turn green and I began to walk faster,I wanted him dead.I finally got to his house I put on my hood and walked to the house.I noticed he was asleep in a chair in front of the tv.He looked about Juliet's age.I opened a window slowly and went into the house.As I did so I must've woke him up,he looked at me.Eyebrows furrowed,I opened my bag."So what now I am getting robbed?First I find out I am a father to a hooker's baby now I am being robbed."He said before going to his jacket stand pulling out a pistol."I'm not here to rob you."I say in a cold voice."Then why?"I let out a chuckle as I pulled out my hammer and looked at him."Wait a minute.You were that guy at the restaurant I worked at."He said I have to admit I am surprised he remembered my face."Correct,you're not a dad.Just because your dick went into a hooker and made a baby,doesn't mean you're her father.It means you made her.I raised her she's a beautiful young girl.My daughter,I am her father.You are chopped liver."I say getting ready to swing my hammer.Aiming for his hip."Maybe I wanted to be a father."He said with a smile one to show that he was being an asshole.I swung my hammer into his hip,he yelled out in pain."You don't."I say as I heard his gun go off and intense pain in my leg.I fell trying not to yell in pain."You motherfucker!"I yell slamming my hammer into his gut.
He puked out blood and I smiled.He was now laying on the floor blood on the ground.I pulled out the towel I normally used to wipe off the blood and tied it around my wound.Shit.I need him to die,soon.I fucking hate guns!!I look at him,he was fully awake.I lift my hammer again ready to slam it into his head as the final blow.I heard his gun go off.I fell backwards as my hammer fall to the ground.Intense pain in my chest.No!I'm not dying like this.I can't leave Kohitsuji,Juliet,the baby we are having,and Andy.I need to protect them.As tears fell from my eyes everything went dark.

---Days later---
{Juliet's point of view}
Kohitsuji is crying,Andy is crying,I am crying.Today is Danny's funeral his mother sat by me.She wasn't crying,she just stared.He shouldn't have gone out that night.I should've told him I wanted him to stay home.Its my fault he went I should've kept him home.After the funeral I took the kids home,Kohitsuji sat in her room curled up in a ball on her bed.Andy went to sleep.I sat on her bed.She looked at me,sitting up."Hey sweetie..."I say trying not to cry."Why did daddy go out that night?"She asked,wiping her eyes."He had something to take care of sweetie.""He had to kill someone didn't he?"She said and my eyes widened."W-what?""I know about him killing people,he told about a time when a woman hurt me and he killed her."She says playing with her hands like a child would when talk about something bad they did.
"Y-yes,he did."I say shakily she looks at me.Even though she isn't Danny's by blood they have the same eyes.Her hair is as dark as Danny's.She reminds me of him,it hurts."Oh okay."She said getting up and leaving the room coming back with a paper towel handing it to me.I took it wiping my eyes and hugged her."Do you want to know something?"I asked with a sad smile."What?"She asked looking at me."You and Andy are going to have a little brother or sister."I say as she smiles widely."Really?!"She asked smiling still.I nod and point to my stomach.It has a small belly bump.Barely noticeable.I hope Danny's mother will help me with the kids.She seemed so cold when I talked to her at the funeral.I should probably visit Danny's father soon.To talk to him about Danny and tell him that I am pregnant.

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