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I woke up from a knock at the door.I got up,looking at Kohitsuji.Asleep in her crib,cute.I walked to the door,opening it.Mrs.Reef was standing there holding my mail.We've been friends sense I moved here."Oh,hey and thanks."I say fixing my hair a bit."No problem honey,so hows Kohitsuji?"She asked with a smile."Shes been good,thanks for everything."I say smiling back.She nodded and handed me my mail,I took it."No problem,I will always help a friend."Shes too nice,I mean I'm a damn murderer,and shes just a woman who calls me her friend.I nod and shut the door.I look through the mail,the lab results are back.I opened it,reading it."Ivory Hawthorne?"I say reading it still."Well se will be dead soon,once I find her."I said with a smile.I put the paper down taking my phone out.

I called the hospital,I must find out."Where does this Ivory Hawthorne live?"I ask,getting an address,good.I hang up,hearing Kohitsuji crying for me.I walked into the room,with a smile."Good morning sweetie."I say picking her up.She still cried,I comforted her."Mommy is going to die soon."I say my eyes going green.Kohitsuji stop crying and smiled.I guess my baby girl will like that daddy is a murderer.Then I realized,I need someone to watch her.Mrs.Reef,I'll ask her.This murder will have to be quick,I was snapped out of my thoughts by her pulling my hair."Hey,ow!"I say with a smile.She giggled."Mur mur."She said smiling.I smile and shake my head."Mur mur?Are you trying to say murder or are you just babblin'?"I ask caring her to her highchair.Giving her some apple sauce."Today,you and daddy will go get you some more food."I say with a smile.I eat a bowl of cereal as she began to eat.

"Bath time,then we get you dressed."I say smiling putting my bowl away.She finished and I gave her a bath.She played a bit,splashing me a bit."Don't splash daddy."I say with a slight chuckle.She giggles as I dry her off.I got her dressed and thought more about my 'job'."Do you want to be watched my Mrs.Reef for one night?"I say with a smile.She just kept smiling.I don't think she cares,so I grab my cellphone calling Mrs.Reef.


Me:Hey,I was wondering if you could do me a favor tonight.

Mrs.Reef:Oh,sure what is it?

Me:I need you to watch Kohitsuji I need to run somewhere tonight.

Mrs.Reef:Oh alright,what time do I need to be there?

Me:I'll call when I need to leave



Mrs Reef:Talk to you later Danny.

I hang up,putting Kohitsuji in her walker.She walked around as I went to my room,grabbing my bag and stuffing my bloody jacket in it.I'll call Mrs.Reef later,I went and sat on the couch,turning on Steven Universe.So what,I am a grown man who watches cartoons.Kohitsuji rolled in watching it.Going to the couch,wanting to sit in my lap and watch it.So I took her out of her walker,and sat her in my lap.She watched the show,pointing to Pearl and making a squish sound.I chuckled.

She soon fell asleep,so I picked her up taking her to her crib.Letting her sleep as I call Mrs.Reef.She came over and I told her I will be back as soon as I can.She nodded and I left.I slipped on my bloody jacket and went to Ivory Hawthorne's place of work,bar.She was a prostitute,so it wasn't really hard to find a brunette with green eyes.I walked over to her,my eyes green.She smiled throwing her cigarette down crushing it with her 4 inch high heels."Why hello there mister.Care for some fun?"She says as I chuckle."Sure I know a really good place."I walked to a small park.It was closed no one was there,and there aren't any cameras.

She leaned on a tree as I took out my hammer."Do you remember a little girl?"I ask with a smirk.She shook her head,not noticing the hammer."A baby girl,that you left in a fucking dumpster?"I say as she notice me holding the hammer while I tighten my grip on it."I don't know what your talking about."She said lying through her teeth."I can see the baby fat on you Ivory."I say walking close to her.She went against the tree."How do you know my name?How do you know I had a baby?!"She says scared."I found her,took her in,and they found out your the mother."I say raising the hammer,smashing it into her leg.I heard a loud crack,as she feel to the ground screaming."Oh don't worry,this will only hurt a lot."I say with a chuckle.As I raise the hammer again,I slam it into her shoulder hearing a crunch of the bone breaking."Please...Let...Me live!!!"She says knowing I was going to kill her."No"I say clearly slamming it into her head,making a crunch as her eyes,ears,nose,and mouth had blood shot out of it.Blood hitting my jacket and face.I groaned,time to clean up.I put my hammer away running to the public bathroom.Taking off my gloves washing my face off,and taking the jacket off into my jacket.

I walked off,back to my apartment.Man,that was bloody.My eyes turning blue,going into my apartment,seeing Mrs.Reef feeding Kohitsuji,in her highchair.I smile."Thanks for babysitting Marie."I say looking at them both."No problem Danny,she just finished eating."She says smiling putting the bowl in the sink."To save water,try feeding her,not letting her feed herself.Making a mess."Marie says leaving."Alright."I say picking up Kohitsuji.Daddy's little princess.

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