Chapter 12,My baby girl

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I woke up with Kohitsuji jumping on the bed.I smile,its her birthday.I felt the stitches hurting badly so I gave her breakfast then took some pain pills I had got later last night.I began to eat breakfast too,Kohitsuji was humming a small song.I smile,finishing my breakfast."Happy Birthday princess."I say going over to her."Thank you Daddy!"She says with a smile.I can't believe she's already 4,time flies.She reaches her arms up and I pick her up."Wheres Bear?"I ask taking her to the living room."In my bed,he went night night with me."She say as I hear Bear barking again.I put Kohitsuji down,she went to her room and I went outside.I watched as my mother walked up the drive way with 3 pink gifts.I let her inside and Kohitsuji ran into the living room.

"Granny!"She yelled with a smile."Happy birthday princess."She says with a smile."Lets get you dressed Kohitsuji,in your favorite blue dress."I say looking down at her.She smiled and nodded.I took her to her room,took off her pajamas and put her favorite blue dress on her and fixed her hair in pick tails.She picked out that dress at the store,she smiled and kissed my cheek."Thank you daddy."I smile and nod."Where did these manners come from?"I say playfully."Granny told me to always say thank you and pwease.""Oh."I say taking her to the living room."Mom,can you watch her while I get her,her cake?"I ask as she played with Bear.She nodded not looking at me.I grabbed my keys and wallet leaving.

I come back a few minutes later and put the cake on the stove.I went into the living room,my mom was playing with Kohitsuji.Cute,I sigh and sit on the couch."Do you want to do the cake or presents-""Presents!"I chuckle and leave the room,bringing in 4-5 blue presents.I set them next to the pink ones,she grabbed the biggest one I bought.Mrs.Reef and her youngest boy should be coming soon.She had a baby boy when me and Kohitsuji moved out.She recently found out her husband cheated on her with several women.So me and her became better friends.She opened it,a pink dollhouse.

After most of the presents were opened I went to the door after hearing knocking.Mrs.Reef walked in holding her son's hand."Welcome."I say with a smile.She smiled back at me,so did her son."Andy!"I hear Kohitsuji yell running outside hugging him."Hows work Danny?"I hear Mrs.Reef say,I'm just gonna call her Juliet,since it is her name."Great,I might get a promotion soon."I say with a smile.Promoton in killing,or I might stop soon since I can't risk getting caught like I could before I had my baby girl.I let them both in,Kohitsuji opened another present,the barbie I got her,then she opened the one from Juliet.A blue bow,I gasp a bit before running to my room and walking into the living room.I give Kohitsuji the small white box.

She opened it and smiled widely.A golden locket with Bear,her,and me in it.I helped her put it on.Along with the bow.Juliet watched me,I felt her eyes on me the whole time.I smiled and looked at Kohitsuji.She hugged me."Thank you daddy,and Mrs.Reef and Andy!""Your welcome."Juliet and me said at the same time."Your welcome K.K.!"I hear Andy say."Danny can I see you in the kitchen?"I nod following my mom to the kitchen."Juliet like you,and you like her too don't you?"I tilt my head,and I think for a bit."I don't know"and I look at the door way to the living room.I sigh as my mother crosses her arms."You do,shes only a few years later,but you're taller."She smiles as I blush slightly."Fine,I do."I leave the room,sitting next to Juliet.She looks at me with a smile."Uhm....You want to go out for dinner tonight Juliet?"She looks surprised,blushes."With Kohitsuji and Andy?"I shake my head slightly."Just you and me,on a date.My mom can watch them 2."I say with a smile.She nods."I would love to Danny."She says blushing with a smile.I smile blushing slightly.One of her girls have moved out while the other is with the father.She kept the boy,since she was pregnant with him when they split up.

About an our later I was at a diner with Juliet and we were talking and having fun.We went to a bar after wards we got a little drunk,but still aware.We went back to my place and well had sex basicly.The kids had a sleepover so we didn't really worry about them.

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