Murder at its Finest pt 2

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After we got back from the hospital I brought home lunch.We all ate Andy and Kohitsuji watched kid shows as me and Juliet talked.Why did I let the girl go...She was the perfect kill.I could've killed her and still killed Kohitsuji's real father.I was snapped out of my thoughts when Juliet shook me slightly."Does Kohitsuji know what you do to people?""She only knows that I will kill for her...Now I will kill for any of you."Juliet smiled before hugging me."You are the best father Andy and Kohitsuji could have,and the best husband I could have.
I smiled.
Later that night I decided to watch a movie while Juliet put the kids to sleep.When she came back she sat on the couch,next to me."Danny,I found out something while you were out."I looked at her."What?"I say raising my brow in a curious way."Danny,I'm pregnant."My eyes widen,as a smile grew on my face."We are having a baby?"I say with a happy voice.She nodded with a smile.I hugged her,she hugged me back.Now we were going to have a child with both of our genetics.I was happy because another baby would be awesome for Andy and Kohitsuji.Plus we have talked about it a couple times.
"This is wonderful."I say the smile still on my face.She nods and and giggles slightly before I kiss her softly."You're to cute when you giggle."Just a reminder I just turned 28,she is 30 now.She had her first child when she was 15,she married the same guy who got her pregnant.I knew he would cheat on her,I think he did it twice.First time I saw him at a diner with a slutty blonde chick.The second time when he got caught was with a slutty brunette.I should kill him.For hurting her,and being a complete bitch to Andy when he came over last weekend to see his first son.
He talked to him in a weird way when he was playing with Kohitsuji.They were playing with her dolls,which isn't that weird because he was always the boy doll and would give him superpowers like an action figure.He said stuff like "boys don't play with girl things like dolls"and"boys shouldn't play with girls at all."Which made me angry because 1 he is my step son,2 he just insulted me and Juliet,and finally 3 insulted my baby girl.I told him to back off he can do what he wants,if he wants to play with dolls so be it.Its not a bad problem.Plus he has like 3 daughters that he got rights to keep with him.Juliet told him to leave once he tried to take the doll away from him and Kohitsuji.
He supposed to come over tomorrow,we scheduled this one while the kids are and my mom's for the day.Maybe I can take him for drinks,Juliet can't go since she's pregnant.I know this because I had a younger brother when I was 10 and my mom told me again when I moved out.My brother just turned 18,but he lives with his best friend Tyler.He moved in with him when he turned 16.When I was 26.Anyway,when I get him drunk I can bring him to an alley to kill him.Wont be the first man I killed,I killed like 3 so far.After him Kohitsuji's real father.Can't wait.
We went to bed after the last hour of the movie.I dreamt about having a another kid,but with my genetics.I wake up before Juliet hearing a knock on the door,the kids were up playing together watching TV.It was my mom,I let her in while I went into my room waking up Juliet saying my mother is here.She got up with a small groan.I leave the room,my mother was in their bedroom helping them get toys together and change clothes.Juliet got dressed and so did I.My mother left with the kids and we ate breakfast waiting for Mr.Reef/Zack.He finally showed up,before he came I told Juliet my plan she slightly denied,because we would be questioned about it so I will wait,and kill the Kohitsuji birth father.
He sat on the couch,I leaned on the wall while Juliet made coffee."So how's Andy,he playing with boy toys yet?"I look at him,raising an eyebrow."Are you less of a douche bag yet?He likes playing with his sis-""His step sister,maybe I should take him to the park to play football."My eyes turn green,before Juliet comes in kissing my cheek and giving me my coffee.Putting his on the end table.He looked at her then at me."You're not allowed near either of them,you're too much of an ass.Maybe get one of your hoes to be pregnant and raise that child."I say before taking a sip of my coffee.His look on his face went from douche to anger."Unlike you,I have children with my genetics."He said furrowing his eyebrows.I put up a finger with a sly smile."Actually Juliet is pregnant,with my child so you fuck off with that.Plus unlike you I actually love Juliet and would do anything for my family,and that means ANYTHING."I say,noticing he was surprised,but furious."Like I wouldn't?!""You tried to take my daughter and son's toys away just because Andy was playing with dolls!He fucking like playing with his older sister.So you can fuck right off with that,and you would do anything really?!You cheated of Juliet twice maybe more!So you can just die and leave right now."My eyes turn a neon green.He stood up walking to me throwing me to the ground.Juliet's eyes widen backing away from us.He kicks me in the gut.I grab his leg before he can do it again.I pull him to the ground,me getting on top of him punching him over and over.I felt blood in my mouth as he punched me in the stomach over and over.His nose was broken with a black eye from me punching him.I saw Juliet run into the kitchen calling the police.Zack flipped us me on the ground now and him punching me over and over.I smile with blood on my teeth from my busted lip.He gets a confused look on his face,he looked down where my knee was as I shoved my knee into his stomach.He yelled slightly and fell over from on top me.He kept gasping slightly from the intense pain.I got up almost falling over when he got up pushing me to the ground,when he noticed my scar on my head where I was shot a year or so ago.He decided to fucking punch as hard as he could right on it.Everything went black.

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