Chapter 14: Do Over

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Beast Boy's POV:

I wanted to make Raven feel special and not so afraid of everything, so I wanted to ask her out on a do-over date at the exact same place we had our first one. I wanted to spend time with her before I die because I'm certainly not breaking up with her. I want to try again so we can replace it with a happy memory. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a light sigh exit Raven's mouth. She then, sat on the couch.
"Hey R, Raven. Do you want to maybe have a do-over date at the same restaurant that we had tried to have a good date at before, so ya know, we can have a fresh start all over again." I said with low confidence in case rejection was coming my way. I was completely shocked by her reaction. She cupped my chin and nervously kissed me. It was light but passionate, and her lips tasted like mint. I lightly kissed back, matching the low intensity of the kiss. It was one of those kisses where the point isn't to have your tongue eighty feet down the throat of your lover, but instead to kiss out of sweetness and love.
"S, sure." She answered nervously. She lightly smiled. I smiled back and gave her a hug.
"Great, because I made a reservation for seven o'clock, and it's 6:02 right now, so..." I said. We got off the couch to get ready. I grabbed a long, navy blue dress shirt, some khakis and a tie. I combed the top of my head, put on some nice shoes, and left the room. Raven came out of hers about fifteen seconds later. She had on a black spaghetti strap dress that came just above her knees, a long sleeve grey cardigan that came down to about two inches above her dress. She also had on her signature high top sneakers. Really quickly, I ran back into my room and grabbed a box. I stuffed it in my pocket. It was a necklace for Raven. It had a silver chain and a silver heart. In very small cursive writing inside the heart it said "Forever BB+Rae". I ran back out of my room, grabbed Raven's hand then left the tower.

Raven's POV

A light pang nerves crashed over my body when we got there. I have some really high hopes for our do over, but what if it gets ruined? By Trigon, maybe? I shook my head and strolled into the restaurant, still holding Beast Boy's hand. We got our seats, a booth this time, and momentarily sat in silence.
"This can't be why you're taking me on his redo date. Why are you?" I asked. He ignored me. I guess he really did want to start over. I changed the subject. "What are you going to order?" I asked. Still no response from the changeling. He seemed out of it today. I got a little scared.
"Oh, uh, um, I was just going to order the soup and salad combo, you?" He finally answered.
"I was actually planning on ordering that too." I smiled. He looked so sad for some reason. "Beast Boy, what's wrong, you aren't acting like yourself." I said as a tear escaped my eye. He reached over and quickly wiped it.
"Nothing's wrong. I'm just a little out of it today. Also a little sad for whatever reason..." He cut himself off as our waiter approached the table. We swiftly ordered our food and got back to talking.
"You can be honest, I'm your girlfriend." I said and held out my hand. He lightly took it.
"I'm just sad that I couldn't do more with my life and I could've have taken you out more and all that stuff before Trigon kills me." He said, sadly. "I'm not breaking up with you." He added, fighting tears.
"If it makes you feel better, I think you've done just enough. You tried taking me out a while ago, you comfort me everyday, and you make me feel like I have a place in this world. A voice. Th, thank you." I said, fighting some tears as well. "You make me feel special."
"I, I do?" He asked,
"Yes, you do." I said as we stared into each other's eyes. This date was going much better than I had ever thought it would.

A/N: This chapter is going to be a three parter instead of one huge chapter, and after pt. 2 and pt. 3, you guys will be closing in on the final few chapters of the book. Lastly, it's not 1,000 reads or anything, but thank you guys for 242 reads! I did not know that many people would like my writing. KEEP READING MY LOVELY READER PEOPLE!

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