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Beast Boy's POV:

It's been about two months since Raven died. The team has upped on self defense so we don't lose another member. We are all doing a little better than we were when Raven was newly dead. Even though she isn't physically here, we can all feel her watching over us and keeping us safe. Sometimes, we can sense her around us. Of course I'm still crushed that Raven is dead, but I'm so glad that the rest of the team is safe and nothing bad has happened to them. We turned Raven's bedroom into a Raven memory room that we filled with pictures of her with us and stuff like that. Starfire is the only girl on the team now, so she has been trying to make friends with random girls so she doesn't feel alone, as in not having a girl best friend to trust when she needs to. We recently defeated Dr. Light, which was hard without Raven's counter power, but we eventually took him out. Now we don't have to worry about Trigon or Dr. Light. Raven's birthday was 5 days ago, and we all celebrated by buying a red velvet cheesecake in her honor. To this day I still have her note on my nightstand and her necklace on the nail in my wall. We all have tried to find some of Raven's non-demonic belongings to keep as a memory of her. Cyborg had found a flashlight of hers that he wrote "In Memory of Raven" on that he uses every time he fixes the Tcar, Robin had found a book about some sort of self defense strategy that he uses to train us that had belonged to Raven, and Starfire kept one of Raven's cloaks so she could put it in he closet as a memory of how she tried to help Raven with fashion. We all miss her dearly, but I have to say, I definitely miss her the most, and although I know she's here, I wish she were here physically to be a part of our newer, bigger adventures.

A/N: That's a wrap! Thank you guys so much for even bothering to read this book. This is the first fanfiction I have ever wrote, because I haven't been a fangirl for very long, but I have to say, I'm proud of it and I'm glad you guys like it too. Keep reading my lovely reader people!

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