Chapter 13

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Darcy's POV

Harry, I mean my dad couldn't convince my mom, so now I have to take matters into my own hands. I slowly tip toe downstairs to see my mom sitting on the couch, staring at the blank T.V screen, looking quite dishelved and broken. As I approach my mom, I wrap my arms around her neck lightly and give her a hug. At first she doesn't notice, but once she does, she jumps slightly and grabs out to rub my arm.

"Oh, hey honey. I didn't see you there." She mutters. I don't even bother to scold her about calling me honey like I usually do because I need my plan to work.

"Mom, why can't I stay at Dad's house?" I ask. I slowly make my way to the couch and plop down. Depending on how my mom is, this could be a while.

"Harry is not responsible. He's selfish and careless and I don't want you to be living with him. Plus, he lives across the world in stuck up England."

"But mom, didn't you live in England?"

"Yes, but I hated that place. That's why I left as soon as I could."

"Oh. Well Harry is my dad and..."

"Darcy stop."

"What do you mean?"

"I know what you're doing."

"What am I doing?"

"You think you're just gonna be able to munipulate me into letting you go. I said no and that's final." She demanded.

"Mom, I'm not trying to munipulate you. I'm trying to get you to see dad's side of the story."

" I don't want to hear his side of his story. I don't want to hear anything about him."

"Well, don't you want to hear what I think?"

"It doesn't matter what you think because I'm the parent and what I say is final."

"I wish you weren't." I mutter under my breath.

"Excuse me? I gave you life. I gave up my whole life for you. So don't even start being ungrateful." She scolded. I guess I wasn't as quiet as I thought.

"Ungrateful? Please, you wouldn't know what ungrateful was if it slapped you in a face and said I'm ungrateful" I spat back.

"How dare you talk to me like that? What has gotten into you?"

"Me? I'm not the problem here. You are. You don't care about anyone. You only care about you want and what you think, no one else. You say you love me and crap, but honestly, thats getting harder to believe. If you loved me, you'd care about what have to say. If you loved me, you'd pay more attention to my life."

"I do pay attention to your life!"

"No you don't! I tell you all the time, not to call me Honey, but you do anyways. And I get bullied. All the time. Yeah, I bet you didn't know that. The kids at school, beat me up and break me down until i can't even feel emotions anymore. So where have you been? Its feels like you've been gone for 12 years!!" I shout.

"Why didn't you ever tell me you were being bullied?"

"BECAUSE YOU NEVER ASKED!! You never ask how was my day or If everything at school is fine. No instead, I have to go down to the music store for comfort. I feel more close to Missy and my freaking school nurse for pete sake rather than you!! My own mother!! So don't even give that bull crap that you care and that you love me, cause you don't!! Maybe that's why dad left you because your an ungrateful brat!" I scream. I feel steam literally pouring out of my ears. Sweat pours down my face, my teeth are clenched along with my fist. I have never felt so angry in my life. I see tears start to fall from my mother's eyes. I don't even flinch, I'm so mad.

"How dare you say those things? I'm your mother and I deserve respect!" She demanded loudly.

"You only get respect when you give respect, and that;s something you haven't been doing." I retort. 

"Darcy Anne Styles. Go to your room now, I don't want to see you right now."

"The feeling mutal."

"DARCY!! Stop it right now and just go." My mother screechs.

"Fine oh and by the way, Holly.  I don't want to hear your excuses. I don't want to hear anything about you." I state mocking her and stomp up to my room and slam the door. I plop on my bed and instantly the tears begin pouring out. i can't believe what just happened. I've never seen her so.....broken. But she deserved it. After the way she's been treating me, she need to hear the ugly truth. She's so used to people sugar coating it, but I'm done with it. The truth hurts sometimes. I look at my phone with the email pulled up of my plane ticket. I was hoping I wouldn't have to resort to this, but I need to see me dad whether my mom, I mean Holly wants me to or not. I quickly grab my suitcase and begin to throw anything you can imagine in it. I pretty much pack up my whole room, but I don;t know what I might need, so I might as well bring everything. I slam my suitcase and my duffel bag closed and grab my phone. I take a good last glance at my room. I spot my diary on my desk. I quickly scramble to get it and pack in safely in my duffel bag. I'm gonna need my diary big time. Then I climb out of my window slowly and painful until I reach the bottom.

"Goodby house." I mutter and begin my journey down the street.

"Goodbye town. Goodbye bullies. Goodbye Nurse Sarah and Missy." I call out into the open, like I haven't a care in the world.  I walk to the nearest bus station and wait for the bus. This is my chance to turn back, to say not. But I stay put because I have already made up my mind. I'm going to see my dad and that's final. The bus reels up and I carefully climb aboard.

"Airport please." I state as I take a seat. There is no one else on the bus, so it looks like I'll be riding alone. I pull out my diary and decide to write.

Dear Diary,

I am doing the unthinkable for most kids my age. I'm running away from home. But unlike the average person, I know where I am going. To England. To live with my dad. I haven't told him yet about my escape, but I will have to soon. I'm quite scared about what he might say. But I mean, he did want me to come. So I am. I need to get away from this town. Away from the bullies and especially Holly. Yes Holly has lost the title of "mom" so she is now strictly Holly and Holly only. I said some pretty vicious words to her but she deserved it. The truth hurts and she need to hear the  cold, hard, ugly truth for once. I just happend to be the '"lucky" person to tell her. I don't know if running away was the best idea, but it was really my only idea. My only option. It's too late to turn back now. I mean I could easily get off this bus and walk for 20 mintues, but its too late to turn back. My mind is completely and truly made up its mind, and nothing and I mean nothing can change it. Well my runaway journey has begun and so far its been quite nice. Even though I haven't really met my dad, I can already tell I'm going to love him. 

Sincerly, Darcy Anne Styles

A/N: I loved this update. I know its a bit extreme, but the story was building to this for a long time. I'm really hoping to get 1,000 reads with this. Maybe more. I'm so close and it would be a dream if I actually got to 1,000 reads. Thanks and I love you so much :D

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