Chapter 20

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Darcy's POV

"C-can I talk to mom?" I asked. Harry looked at me then back at his phone then back at me. He sighed before handing me the phone.

"Hello?" I called.

"Darcy! Baby, are you ok?" Holly asked with concern. Sounded more like fake concern to me.

"Yes, I'm doing just fine." I stated through gritted teeth.

"Darcy, why would you run away like that?" 

"Oh don't give me that," I began as I got up and walked away from Harry. "Don't worry, dad can't hear you. You can give up the act now." I growled.

"I'm not acting, Darcy. You scared me to death when I went in your room and you weren't there!"

"If you were really that worried about me, why did it take you so long to call?" I quizzed, tear threatening to spill.


"You weren't searching for me hard enough! Or at all, for that matter. You don't care about me!" I retorted.

"Darcy, are you kidding me? I love you, I love you more than anything else in the world. I've given up so much for you..."

"That seems to be the only reason you love me anymore, because you had to sacrifice so many things. I didn't realize how much of a burden I was on your life." I mumbled, a tear falling.

"No, th-"

"Just save it, HollyI've heard enough. I'm staying here with dad. He is my legal guardian too and since I'm 15 now, I should be able to chose where I want to stay and I want to stay with dad. I feel loved and happy here." I confessed. There was an awkward silence, until I heard her break out into tears.

"D-darcy are you s-sure?" Holly cried. I bit my lip, trying not to get emotional.

"I-I'm sure." I said through a shaky voice.

"Well uh, I guess this is goodbye. I love you and please call me if you need anything." Holly muttered.

"Yeah, maybe." I mumbled as I handed Harry the phone once again.

Harry's POV

I watched as Darcy re-approached me, handing me the phone. You could tell she had been crying, which broke my heart. I pulled my phone to my ear as I watched Darcy walk towards the railing of the porch.

"Harry?" Holly asked in a shaky voice. She must have been crying too.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Take good care of her, please? She really needs you and obviously, there is nothing left I can do." She pleaded.

"I will." I responded.

"G-goodnight, Harry."

"Goodnight, Holly." I said, before ending the call. I walked towards Darcy slowly, hearing her sniffle every once in a while.

I placed a hand on her shoulder, before engulfing her in a hug. Then she lost it, as sobs racked her body.

"Sssh, Darc it's ok. You're going to be alright." I soothed. Darcy coninued to cry until she finally looked up at me, with her glassy, green eyes.

"I have you ever hated someone for treating you so badly, yet you still love them?" Darcy mumbled. I nodded, as I rubbed her back.

"Well, that's how I feel about H-holly." Darcy sighed.

"I know you and your mom have had some rough patches. But maybe this is what you both need. A break from each other. Then, maybe you'll appreciate each other more." I explained.

"You think so?" Darcy asked.

"I know so." I reassured, as I wiped her tears. She cracked a small smile and I smiled back, giving her another tight squeeze.

"Let's head back inside so we can go home, ok?" I suggested. She nodded her head as we headed back inside. As we walked in, we saw Louis and Eleanor in a heated makeout session on the couch.

"Woah there. Get a room you two." I chuckled as I covered Darcy's eyes.

"Screw you, Styles. This is my house anyways." Louis grumbled as he removed himself from Eleanor.

"So, how did it go?" Eleanor asked, looking a bit nervous. I turned to look at Darcy before looking back.

"She's staying here. Both Holly and her need a break from each other," I said. "Plus, Darcy is 15 now, she can chose where she wants to live." 

"And I choose to live here." Darcy piped up with a smile.

"Yeah! I'm so glad your staying!" Eleanor cheered, as she rushed to hug Darcy.

"And see, Harru? It was not as bad as you thought." Eleanor whispered in my ear with a smirk. I chuckled slightly.

"Well it's getting late and Darcy had a long day. I think we're just going to head home." I sighed. Eleanor and Louis nodded before walking us to the door. 

"Night guys! Make sure to come and visit!" Eleanor stated.

"Definitely!" Darcy called.

"Be safe and don't kill your only daugther, Harry!" Louis yelled.

"I'll try not to." I joked as I hopped into the car. The car ride was silent. I glanced over at Darcy and realized she had fallen asleep. Her head was resting on the car door, her mouth slightly agape. I smirked before heading back towards the road.

Once we got home, I picked her up and carried her inside, being careful not to wake her up. I laid her down in her bed, kicking off her shoes and tucking her under the covers.

"Night, babygirl. I love you." I whispered, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Night, daddy... I love you more." Darcy mumbled in her sleep. I smiled because of her cuteness before I flicked off the light and went to get ready for bed myself.

A/N: I can't believe I've already written 20 chapters of this!! I have no idea how long this book will be, but I think it might be pretty long. I have been so terrible with updating, I know. I'm so sorry. I always say I'll get better, but I never do. I want to say a big thanks for getting this book to 19k reads, I mean that is just insane. I know, no one ever reads these author notes, but I love you guys so so much. Everytime you vote for a chapter or add it to your reading list, I smile so much. I would really love it if I could get this book ranked, so please please please, add this your reading list or library. I think that's how you get ranked... anyways, vote, comment, and become a fan.

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I have some good things planned for this book and I can't wait to write and post them. :)

Alright, Love you guys :)

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