Chapter 19

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Louis' POV

I walked back inside. I sighed as I made my way to the living room where Eleanor was snuggled on the couch. 

"Where is everybody?" I quizzed, trying to make conversation.

"They already left." Eleanor snapped.

"What about Darcy?"

"She's in the bathroom."

"Can I sit?" I ask with pleading eyes. It's pretty apparent she's still mad at me.

"I guess." She mumbled as she scooted over. I plopped down and snuggled her into my side.

"I'm sorry babe if I hurt you." I apologized, kissing her forehead.

"It's ok. Me and the girls talked and I'm better now. Did you talk to him?" Eleanor responded.


"And? What did you guys say?" Eleanor questioned.

"We told him that you were right and that he should call Holly." I partially lied. The other boys told him that, but what she doesn't know won't kill her.

"So, is he gonna call her?"

"I don't know. I told him to the right thing." I stated.

"Which is?"

"To call Holly. It was more implied."

"Right." Eleanor agreed. Suddenly, Darcy came walking in.

"Hey guys. Have you seen my dad?" She asked. Eleanor both looked at each other before looking back at her.

"Uh yeah, he's out back. I think he wants to talk to you." I muttered.

"Ok! Thanks." Darcy replied sweetly before heading outside.

"How do you think she's gonna take it?" Eleanor quizzed.

"I don't know. I think the real question is, how is Holly gonna take it?" 

Harry's POV

I paced back and forth, my mind swirling. Did I really want to do this? I finally had my daughter back and now I have to risk her leaving. 

"Hey dad, what are you doing out here?" A young voice called. I whipped my head around to see Darcy standing there.

"Oh, uh, nothing really." I mumbled.

"Oh ok. Well Louis said you wanted to talk to me?" Darcy replied. I gulped as I grabbed her hand and sat her down.

"Listen Darcy..."

"What is it dad?" Darcy asked. She looked geninuely concerned.

"I have to call your mother." I confessed.

"You mean, Holly?" She retorted.

"Yes." I responded.

"But dad, you promised me." Darcy snapped.

"Well, I shouldn't have. Your mother deserves to know that your here. I mean for pete sakes, you ran away!" I called.

"Stop calling her that. She's not my mom. Secondly, I ran away to see you! Aren't you happy to see me?" Darcy yelled, tears brimming her eyes.

"Holly is your mom whether you like it or not! And of course I'm happy to see you! But that doesn't mean your mother shouldn't know you're here."

"No dad, you don't get it! She hates me! If you call her, she'll make me come back and you know that!" She screamed. Tears began to fall from her eyes and I just wanted to hug her. But I couldn't. I had to stand strong.

"I don't know what she's going to do. We won't know, until we call!" I retort.

"You sent me the plane ticket so I could come visit you. Now I'm here and you're trying to get rid of me?" She screeched.

"I sent you the plane tickets so you could come visit me with your mom's permission! I'm not trying to get rid of you, I'm trying to do the right thing!" 

"Well sometimes the right thing isn't always the best thing! Dad please don't do it!" 

"I have to and that's finally! Baby, I will fight for you and you will stay here, no matter what your mother says!" I called.

"You promise?" Darcy mumbled.

"I promise." I reassured as I pulled out my phone. I dialed Holly's number and waited as it rang. Darcy bit her fingernails as she waited.

"Hello?" The voice called.

"Hey." I replied.

"What do you want, Harry?" Holly sighed.

"I assume your looking for Darcy."

"Did Darcy call you? She ran away and I've been searching for her for days!"

"Well, you're not gonna find her over there." I retorted.

"And what do you mean by that?" She quizzed.

"Darcy isn't there. She's not even in America anymore."

"Oh really? Then where is she?" Holly asked, sarcastically.

"Here, in London, with me." I replied. There was silence on the other end before she started screaming.

"What? You kidnapped my daugther?" She screamed.

"Our daugther ran away, by herself, to come see me." I corrected her.

"When? Why didn't you say something sooner!?"

"Yesterday. And I didn't have to say anything. She is my daugther." I snapped.

"I'm her legal guardian."

"Actually we both are. we both signed the birth certificate and I signed a paternity. So technically, I'm her legal guardian too."

"You can't do this Harry. You better buy Darcy a ticket back to America now." Holly spat.


"Did you just tell me no?"

"I did. I guess you're still not used to hearing that. You never have."

"I've been taking care of her for 15 years when you left me." Holly yelled.

"Well now it's my turn." I snapped.

"Dad." Darcy piped up.

"Yeah, Darc?" I quizzed.

"C-can I talk to mom?"

A/N: Another update this week, I am on a roll. This chapter was going to be longer but I decided to stop it here. Give it a bit of a cliffhanger. I am going to write the next chapter but I won't posted it yet. Thanks so much for all the reads and votes. I would love it if you guys would comment. I feel so lonely :( But please don't comment "update" cause that's not really a comment, it's more of a demand. I love you guys so much and I'm really trying to be more dedicated to writing this more. This is my most popular story. Also, I really want a new cover for this book, so if you make them or know someone who does, please tell me! 

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