Chapter 14

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30 votes for another chapter

I fiddle with my fingers nervously. I am now sitting in the airport waiting to board the plane to England. I've never gone out of the country before, but I guess there is a first time for everything. I look down at my phone. I have yet to call Harry, I mean dad to tell him I'm coming. Everytime I try to, I end up chickening out because I'm so scared. I don't even know why I'm so scared, I mean he is my dad in all. But having to tell him I ran away from home is something I don't think he would be able to handle. I still can't believe I did it, but it is was it is. I begin to bite my fingernails and tap my foot. I really need to calm down, but I just can't. 

"Flight 201 is ready to board passengers." The women at the front desk annouced. I quickly gathered my things and made my way towards the lady. I showed her my passport and ticket, then headed onto the plane. I sat in the first class row, I guess Harry decided to go all out. But then again, he was in the biggest boyband ever besides The Beatles, so he probably has alot of money to spend. I put all my things in the over head besides my phone, headphones, and diary before I take a seat next to the window. I still can't believe I'm doing this. A girl, maybe about 17, sat next to me. She had pretty blonde ringlets for hair and sparkling blue eyes. She was probably the popular girl at school. The girl also had a small baby bump, to my suprise. Curiously, I tapped her on the shoulder.

"Um, excuse me?"


"How old are you?"

"17." She replied. I guess I was correct.

"If you don't mind me asking, are you like..."


"Uh, yea."

"Actually I am. 4 months to be exact." She replied cheerfully.

"Oh wow. What are you going to do when it's born?" I muttered. 

"I'm not sure yet. Raise it. Make it a mini me." 

"What about its dad?"

"Well, he said he didn't want anything to do with it or me, so I guess I'm on my own." She stated with a sad tone. I literally wanted to cry. The girl reminded me just like my mom, I mean Holly. She was all alone because Harry left her. Tears slowly started to fall and I tried to wipe them away before the girl saw, but it was too late.

"Are you crying? Why?" The girl quizzed.

"Oh its just, my mom was just like you. My mom got pregnat at 16 and had to raise me all by herself because my dad left me and her." I muttered.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Your dad is cruel. I would hate him, if I were you." 

"Well everyone else apparently loves him."

"Why? He's a coward for running away from his problems."

"He said he had good intentions."

"You still talk to him? Wow, your brave. What did he leave you guys for? Another girl?"

"Not exactly. More like his career that happened to involve a few other women."

"What kind of job does he have, that involves women?" She worried with a raised eyebrow. I think she's starting to get the wrong message.

"Touring around the world with his dumb band, one of the biggest boybands of all time."

"Which one?"

"One Direction." I muttered. Her jaw dropped to the floor.

"Oh my gosh, no way!! My mom was obssesd with them. She was one of those crazy fangirls that never completed a sentence and ran a whole blog about them. Which one is your dad, is it Harry?"

"How did you know?"

"You guys look alot alike."

"Thanks I guess."

"It must be tough."

"What's tough?"

"Having an uber famous dad, while you kind of stand back in the shadows."

"Yeah, I guess. I didn't even know he was my dad until a few days ago."

"Really how come?"

"My mom never told me. She hates my dad for leaving us."

"I can totally understand why. Raising a kid by yourself isn't easy. You have to give up everything for them, but you know its worth it because they will always love you back." She commented. I processed everything she said. Have I always been loving to mom, I mean Holly? No. Even though she gave everything up for me, I still treated her like crap. All she wanted was the best for me, I totally over looked it. I was the ungrateful brat, not Holly. I turned to look out the window tears streaming down my face. 

"I'm Connie by the way." She called.

"Darcy." I mumbled.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I just can't wait to see my dad."

"I bet he'll be even more excited to see you." Connie responded. 

"The flight is about to take off. Put your seatbelt on and enjoy the ride." The flight attendent chirped. I put my headphones on and laid my head against the window. This is going to be a long ride.

                                                      Many hours later........................

"Darcy, wake up." A voice called. I open my eyes slowly and looked around.

"What happened?"

"You fell asleep for the whole flight." She replied. I slept the whole time? Dang, I must have been pretty tired. 

"Oh. Thanks." I muttered gorgily.

"No problem." She stated. We began to grab our things and exit the plane. As I walked into the airport, I realized I still hadn't called dad. Therefore, no one was here to pick me up. Crap. I quickly grabbed my phone and began to dial his number. All nervousness that was once there, was replaced with panic. The phone rang a few times before Harry finally answered.


"Hey dad, it's me Darcy."

"Why is it so loud? Where are you?"


"AIRPORT? Why the heck are you there?"

"I might have ran away from home."


"Can you please pick me up?"

"I'm going to call your mother to pick you up."

"She can't."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm in England."

"What?! You already flew over here?"

"Kinda, yeah."

"Darcy Anne Styles you are in big trouble!"

"Can you just pick me up?"

"I'll be there in five."

"Okay, see ya." I called and hung up. So maybe running away was a bad idea. But oh well, its too late now. I sat down and waited. This could be a while.

A/N: So, there was way more to this update, but I thought it would be better if I waited until the next chapter. Also, THANK YOU SO FREAKING MUCH. I finally got over a thousand reads, I literally almost cried. 

New thing about my updates:

If you want me to update more, I'm going to need something in return like more comments and votes.

So for the next update I need,

15 comments and 30 votes

Its not too much. The price will raise though.....

Bye y'all.

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