Chapter One

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    I woke up getting a phone call.

"Hello?" I answered trying to hide the sleepiness in my voice.

"Get dressed I'm on my way, be there in five. " he said very rushed and hanging up the phone.
I got up and did what I needed to do before going back to my room pulling on skinny jeans, a plane red shirt and slipping on some red and white vans. Seeing that no one was home I wrote a note saying I'd be back before ten, grabbing my jacket and key as I walked out the door.

"Perfect timing." I mumble letting a smile leave my lips as I saw Austin pull up in his candy apple red car not being able to miss it.

"Get in silly!" He yelled rolling down the window of the passenger door.

"What do you think I'm doing?" I asked closing the door as I got in. 

"Being you." He replied letting his perfect smile out to see the world. I giggled and let the conversation fade. I decided not to ask him as to where he was taking us as I already knew where.
When we got to our first destination I sighed.

"You know this trail is getting harder to find the older we get. " I said following him into the woods that led before us.

"I'll just have to put markers up and we'll be fine. And sorry I woke you up. " he let out a chuckle.

"I can never hide anything from you !" I said and I passed him.

"Nope I know you to well. And hey I lead the way I don't need you getting hurt." He gently pushed me behind him looking at the ground making sure I couldn't trip over anything. I let out a small laugh and let silence take over the rest of the way.
We stood in front of a tree that had a medium sized tree house on it.

"We should really fix it up a bit. " I said taking notice that it was falling apart.

"We can do that.  We can make it a new project! " I can hear the excitement in his voice.

"Can we paint it this time?" I questioned raising an eyebrow, hinting the fact that it needed color.

"Anything you want we'll do! Now lady's first! " he said in a southern accent as he bowed and letting his arm lead to the roped ladder.

"Don't mind if I do. " I claimed up the ladder and crawled to an old bean bag and sitting on it. Austin did the same shortly after me.  Growing tired of the silence I knew there was a reason we were here.

"Spill it. " I said quietly.

"Spill what?" He acted as if I couldn't read him.

"Why you brought me here. We haven't been here in over a month and we both know this our getaway spot when we just need time to think. So spill. " I said looking down and playing with a leaf.

"Just have a lot on my mind and needed to be free for a while." I looked up at him understandingly and nodded.

"Let me play with your hair?" I asked patting my lap for him to rest his head upon.

"Never thought you'd asked." He smiled as he did what my gesture asked. I couldn't help but smile at him. I chuckled at the thought he could make me smile by doing the simplest things.

"What ?" He looked up taking notice of the sound I made.

"Just thinking. " I replied looking down in to his golden brown eyes.

"About?" He asked always so curious to what I had in mind.

"Everything.. " I trailed off looking down and letting out a small smile. Him understanding that I wasn't going to tell him what exactly I had in mind, he let silence take over. I didn't mind because I liked the moments we shared knowing that he didn't have to talk to make something be remembered. About an hour passed before he brake the silence.

"Spencer? " he asked looking up.

"Yes? " looking down and giving him a soft smile.

"I'm hungry. Do you wanna get food?" He laughed as he got up from my lap.

"We can order pizza and wings at my house, if you want love." I smiled at him knowing he wouldn't be able to say no.

"Make it my house and add video games." he said smiling before jumping off to the ground below.

"Deal." I said landing in his arms.

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