Chapter 17

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"Wake up Spen I wanna show you something! " Austin gently grabbed my arm and pulled me outside.

"It's still dark out we need our rest. Austin come back inside." I groaned not knowing what he was doing up.

"Babe just wait a few seconds, something amazing is gonna happen. Just wait." His voice was filled with excitement. I got next to him and put my arms around him as he did the same. We waited about two minutes before I saw what he was talking about. The sun started rise slowly and taking the darkness away as it did so. We stood there and watched in silence and took in the beautiful view. It lasted a good ten minutes that I wouldn't trade for anything.
Before packing up camp we changed and ate breakfast.

"How long do you think it'll take to get there? " I asked as I put my bags on my shoulders.

"I think we can get there tonight maybe sooner! " he gave me a smile and handed out his hand for me take.

"Good because I can't wait for a swim !" I took his hand and followed him once again.

Our day was a bit more exacting than the day before. He taught me the names of different bugs and plants as well as teaching me a few knots.

"Stop. Do you hear that? " he turned to me and gave me a big smile. And I listened closely before answering.

"Running water? " I smiled and nudged him to lead the way. Sure enough we came upon the lake. The water was almost a clear blue and beautiful all around.

"Can we set up camping and go for a swim? " I turned and gave Austin a big smile.

"Whatever you want to do!" He smiled back as we both put our bags down. Just like the night before he set you the tent and I looked for fire wood and rocks. As soon as we finished we changed and headed in the water.

"Ugh!  It's so beautiful and it feels sooo good!!! " I screamed almost at the top of my lungs.

"I'll agree with you in that! " he wrapped his arms around me and placed a kiss on my neck.

"Now I don't know what you're trying to do but save it for after dinner! " I turned around and gave him a wink. He laughed and nodded before pulling me closer to him. Our time in the water was filled with silence as we both relaxed in each others arms.

"This is perfect you know that? " I looked up to him as he started the fire.

"Yeah I know. " he gave me a smile and sat next to me.

"I want you to know that I'm not gonna be like the other girls you've dated. I don't want diamond rings or matching Jordan's or fancy dinners . All I want is your love and moments like these were we can just sit in silence and not be awkward or cuddle sleep after we've had fun. I won't hurt you, I promise. " I looked up at him.

"I know you won't. And you have to trust me when I say I won't be those ass holes you've dated in the past. If I was or if I ever become like that I wouldn't be able to live with myself. But no matter what happens, we'll still be best friends. " he looked at me and just by looking in his eyes I knew he was being sincere.

"Always! " I smiled and gave him my pinky. We both promised that we wouldn't let anything happen to our thirteen year old friendship. And that nothing could get in our way for out newly started relationship.

"Now let's eat! " I got and grabbed what I needed and made dinner. Just like the night before we quietly and headed to bed.

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