Chapter 19

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I woke up feeling worse than what I did before. Noticing that Austin wasn't by my side I did my best to get up without falling over.

"Babe? " my voice was just above a whisper as I slowly walked out the tent. Before he could answer I had noticed it was bright and sunny letting me know that I had slept through the night and most of the afternoon.

"How are you feeling? " he asked as he looked up putting things we had out.

"Worse " I looked down given the sun was hurting my eyes.

"Do you wanna go home? " his voice filled with concern and let me know I looked like crap at the same time. Just before I could answer I ran to a tree to throw up.

"Okay we're going home. " he pulled me into a hug just after I rinsed my mouth.

"But I don't wanna take away our plans. "I kept my gaze down and my voice low.

"The lake will always be here, and so would the woods. Right now your health is more important than anything. And there's no changing my mind." His grip got tighter just before he let go. Knowing there was no choice I changed and did my best to help him put things up.

"If we leave now we'll get to where we set up camp last time by sundown. " he started to lead the way and I followed. I felt horrible that I was the reason that our nice trip was cut short, even though I will admit a hot shower seemed really comforting. I smiled at the thought just when I started to get dizzy.

"Babe!" I slurred as I let a tree carry my weight.

"What?" He asked as he turned around . He was a few feet in front of me and probably couldn't see me that well.

"I can't... " I held on to the tree and took a breath before continuing.

"I...I need help." I lifted myself slowly from the tree and did my best to make my way towards him. He met me halfway and put his left arm around me. He helped me for about an our until we came across our old camp site. Just as before he set the tent and seeing the rocks I had placed there days before were still in the rightly placed a changed the wood and started the fire.

"I'm going to bed.. " I slowly walked up to him and gave him a hug.

"But you haven't ate. " he hugged me back but the hug was very different from the ones he's given  me millions of times before.

"I'm not hungry. " knowing something was wrong I went straight to the tent not asking any questions. I knew that if something was bothering him so much he'd tell me and I didn't want to force hold to say anything. Within minutes I feel sound asleep.
Austin sweetly woke me you the next morning around sunrise. I did what I could before having to throw up once again. It took us all day to get back to the tree but we finally made it. When we made it to the car I was ready to just pass out and not wake up for a week.

"You threw up like twenty times on the way here I think you have a stomach flu." He paused and looked at me before he continued.

"But please don't throw you in here. " he gave me a small smile letting me know he was joking.  Once again the way home was silent. When we reached my house noticed my mom wasn't home which was kinda unusual at the time that it was. I walked in and took what I had to my room.

"I'm going home babe." I saw Austin leaning on my door way. I did my best to smile as I nodded.

"I'll text you.." he turned around and left as I grabbed clothes to take a shower. The shower never felt so nice, so I stayed in there a little longer than usual. Just before I went to bed I took medicine and texted Austin thanking him for everything that happened in the last week and that I was sorry for cutting it short. When I finished I slid the phone under my pillow and fell into a deep sleep.

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