II: Those Three Words

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*EDITED* (07/07/19)


II: Those Three Words

Another plate thrown and smashed against the floor. A new side of your boyfriend came out from it's hole. You and Shawn started arguing, but it soon turned into an almost physical fight.

"Stop it Shawn!" you trembled slightly as you were watching Shawn.

Just 10 minutes ago, Shawn had came home... drunk. You were upset that we went out drinking without even telling you about it. So being a good girlfriend that doesn't want to hide any feelings, you confronted him.

But then he started to get angry at you? Now he was furious; walking back and forth across the kitchen and the living room as he punches walls and throwing nearly any object that he sees.

"How could you do this to me Y/N?!" Shawn shouted furiously at you, glaring at you with his red eyes.

"Shawn! Tell me why you're suddenly acting so aggressive." you tried to calm him down, trying to understand his sudden behaviour.

"You wanna know why? It's because of you being stupid and unfaithful!" he glared down at you even more and you finally understood what was happening.

There were rumours of you and your best friend Joshua; articles stating that you were having a scandal, pictures took by paparazzi that made it seem like you were cheating.

"You know those are just rumours Shawn. We've been through this!"

"Just rumours?" he rolls his eyes. "It's pretty obvious with all the pictures and articles of you two being together almost every day."

"He's my best friend!"

"Shut the fuck up Y/N! I've even seen you two out together with my own two fucking eyes."

You were silent for awhile, trying to gather the words to say something. You were hurt that Shawn didn't trust you enough.

Shawn scoffs. "You being quiet is just screaming that all those rumours are true."

"That's not true Shawn!"

"It's always the same damn excuses Y/N!"

"It's not an excuse! It's the truth. Joshua is my best friend, and we are just FRIENDS." you spelled it out for him, making it clear.

By now you were overtook by your own anger. How could he accuse me like this?! He's not even trying to put any trust in me! You thought as you tried to hold back your tears.

"God! Stop lying already. You might as well just get out of my damn sight!"

You were taken aback at his words. "Y-you don't mean that." you choked, your eyesight started to get blurry.

"You're a whore Y/N!" Shawn shouted, his veins showing.

Your eyes widen when you see his hand knocking off a picture frame that you had placed on the side table near the sofa. It was a photo of when he asked you two be his girlfriend... 3 years ago.

The glass on the picture frame shattered, and so did your heart. Shawn wasn't himself; he wasn't the man you knew, the man you fell in love with.

"F-fine!" your tears had streamed down your face as you dash to your bedroom upstairs.

You closed the bedroom door and ran to the bathroom, locking the door behind you. As if your hand had a mind of it's own, it reached towards the cabinet. In it was a blade, one that you thought you had gotten over of.

Initially you had planned to throw your old blade away, but at this moment you were glad that you didn't.

A broken reflection of yourself stared back at you through the mirror. Letting more tears stream down your face, you went into the bathtub, grasping the old blade in your hand.

"Y/N! Open the door!" bangs were heard at the other side of the bathroom door, as a familiar voice calls out to you.

With unsteady breathing, you place the blade on your arm. The familiar cold metal cut through your skin and blood trickled down on the floor.

"Y/N... don't tell me you're doing what I think you're doing." this time his voice had calmed down, returning to his soft voice that you knew.

"Why do you care Shawn! I'm just doing as you wished!" this time you the cold metal cuts through the skin of your thigh.

"Please Y/N!" for a second, you noticed that his sadness. "You promised me you won't do it anymore!"

Leaving more and more cuts on your body, you finally felt weak. Suddenly the door had been broken down and you got to take a quick look at Shawn's shocked face. Without a second to waste, he reaches out to grab the blade from you and throwing it in the sink.

Tears streamed down his face as he gently carried you out of the bathtub and holding you on the cold bathroom floor.

"God, what have I done." your eyes looked up, and you noticed that your Shawn was back. "Please hang in there Y/N, an ambulance is on the way."

"Shawn..." you whispered as you breathe heavily.

"I'm here baby. What is it?"

"I'm sleepy..." you felt your eyelids getting heavier, as if all the energy in you were running out.

Shawn hushes you as he gently moves your hair from your face. "I know baby, but just hang on a little longer okay? Help is on the way."

"Can you tell me a story?"

"Okay," Shawn held you closer in his arms. "one day I fell in love with the most amazing girl ever. She was perfect and I have been forever grateful and blessed to have her as my own." Shawn pauses as you stare at him. "But one day, I screwed up big time. It was a mistake that I will forever regret, and now I only hope she can forgive me one day."

You smile weakly as you caress his cheek. "I forgive you Shawn."

"Thank you baby," he leans on your palm as he smiles softly. "how about I make it up to you by bringing you on the best date ever tomorrow?"

"That would be nice." more and more energy started to leave your body. "Shawn, I'm getting sleepy."

Your eyelids closed for a moment. "Hang in there Y/N, okay? Once you get better then we can sleep for as long as you want it."

"I love to sleep." you mumble, forcing your eyes to stay awake.

Shawn chuckles at your adorable humour. "I know you do, but now's not the time to sleep."

Finally, you couldn't fight anymore. You looked at Shawn once more and give him your best smile. "I love you."

As soon as those three words left your lips, you knew you could finally sleep.

"Y/N! Please, I can't live without you." his voice cracks as he hugs you tightly. Your face was snuggled up in his chest.

Shawn's clothes were stained with your red blood, but he didn't care. At this very moment, he only wanted to hold you close, he didn't want to let you go.

"I'm so sorry." a soft kiss planted on your cheek as tears stained it as well.

"I love you Y/N" with that, Shawn let out one final cry.


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-- Runaway Princess

-- Never Will I Love Again


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