XXI: Hate Is A Strong Word ( part 3 )

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A/N: Hi everyone! I want to apologize for being gone for so long, but I'm trying to get back on track :) I also want to thank you everyone for still reading this :)

anyway, here is part 3 of Hate Is A Strong Word, thank you so much for commenting❤️

XXI: Hate Is A Strong Word (part 3)

( Y/N's P.O.V. )

" Miss ( Y/L/N), someone is here to see you. " I looked up at the nurse, wondering who it could be.

My eyesight blurred from the tears forming in my eyes, as soon as the nurse exited and he entered instead.

" Shawn. " I said, my voice shaking.

" (Y/N). " he steps closer, arms out to reach for me.

Before I knew it, my arms are shielding myself from him. " No! Don't hurt me! " my eyes shut.

" (Y/N), " I peeked through my arms and see the hurt and regret expression on his face. " I'm not going to hurt you. " he tries to take another step forward.

" Don't, take another step closer. " I said moving over to the furthest end of the small hospital bed.

" (Y/N), I'm so sorry. " this time he was the one that had tears in his eyes. " I never meant what I said that I hated you, I w-was just so stressed with work. "

I looked away from him. " You said what you said Shawn, and now looked what happened! " I glared at him, angry tears filling my eyes. " I'm in the fucking hospital! "

" Miss (Y/N), please keep it down. " a nurse said to us before exiting the room again. That made me cross my arms and look away from Shawn again.

" I'm really sorry (Y/N). " I don't look at him, but my expression went from angry to sad. Then he sighs. " You have every right to be mad at me, heck you can even be furious at me. Just please look at me for a moment. " suddenly I felt him sit on the other edge of the bed.

It took a lot to bring myself to look at him this time, I tried my best to hold in the tears, but as soon as I looked at him so close, the tears already started pouring.

" (Y/N). " Shawn's voice cracked. He hesitated for awhile but he went beside me and put his arms around me anyway, and I let him.

The hug was so passionate, I felt the warmth that I loved so much. The way he would stroke my hair in comfort whenever I would feel down. I had to admit, I missed this so much.

After a couple more minutes, I finally got myself together and break apart from him. I looked up at him and see the concern in his eyes, it was sincere and genuine, no lies.

" Shawn, " I said softly. " I don't know if I can forgive you now, but- "

" Shh, it's okay (Y/N). You don't have to apologize, because I'm not expecting you to forgive me so soon either. " he looks at me with pleading eyes. " Just please don't leave me. "

" That's what I wanted to say before you cut me off. " I laughed a little. " I'm never going to leave you, " I caressed his cheek. " I can't even if I wanted to try. "

He held my hands. " Thank you. " this time he was the one that caressed my cheek before leaning in.

Sparks flew the moment our lips touched. It was so passionate like the first time that we kissed, only better.

We broke apart for air.

" I love you so much (Y/N). "

" I love you too Shawn. "


I hoped you all enjoyed part 3 of this imagine. I still want to apologize for being gone for so long, and as an apology, I will make countdown imagines to Christmas starting today. So I am going to update everyday until Christmas!!

- Nichelle

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