XXIX: Unexpected News

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A/N: Hey! I'm back! It's probably gonna be temporary again, but at least I'm still updating! Anyways, ENJOYY

XXIX: Unexpected News

You were speechless.

You didn't know what to do nor how to react.

Well of course you were happy as you stared at the two straight lines... but how is Shawn going to react? How were you going to tell him?

The two of you aren't even married yet! You're just living together! And he is living his life as an artist. He's nearing to the peak of his career, and a scandal like this will most definitely ruin his dreams. Your mind was thinking the worst... what if he left you?

You kept you gaze on the pregnancy test; part you felt overjoyed but another wished that the two straight lines would just disappear... you shake your head and try to get your thoughts back together. Maybe if you tried on a second pregnancy test?

You grabbed an unused pregnancy test and tried again. After a while of waiting, you silently prayed as you look at the results.

Two straight lines. Positive.

Suddenly a knock was heard, which made you jump. It was from the door of the bedroom that you shared. Instinctively, you try away any possible evidence into the dustbin and kick it lightly under the sink.

"Y/N? Are you in here?"

The moment you hear the bedroom door creak open, you quickly wash your hands, fixing your appearance and gave out one final sigh before you open the bathroom door.

"Yeah, I'm here" you smile at your boyfriend as you head over to him.

Shawn carefully puts down his guitar and opens his arms, inviting you. You go towards him and naturally wraps your arms around him. His arms embraces you and you take in his cinnamon smell that you love.

"I missed you babygirl." you look up at him with his arms still around you.

He grins at you, showing his perfect pearly teeth then leans down to give you a kiss. You return the kiss. No matter how many times you kissed, it still gave you butterflies. This sweet moment made you forget about your worries for awhile.

"I have great news." he breaks the kiss and grins at you one more time.

You nod at him and he leads you two to sit on the king sized bed. Shawn takes out a piece of paper and he shows you. You looked at the paper and gasped.

A world tour.

Shawn is going on a world tour.

"Shawn..." you pause for a second. "this is great." he smiles and kisses your cheek.

"You'll come with me right? This could be a chance for me to bring you around the world." he looks at you with hope in his eyes.

It was your dream to travel around the world together. Even though you know that he'll be busy with his tour, but it was still a chance to make your dream come true.

"Shawn, I would love to go with you." you smile at him. "But I have a big project coming up, I could maybe go on certain days, but not for the whole tour."

You lied.

It ached your heart to lie to him, but you knew that it wasn't healthy for you or the baby if you were to travel on an airplane. You gave him an apologetic smile.

"I'm really sorry."

"It's fine," for a second you noticed that he had a disappointing expression. "you just being there even for a day or two, is already enough for me." he gives you a reassuring smile.


The next day, you went to meet Shawn's parents while Shawn was at work. You had decided that you'll tell him after he finished his world tour, because you didn't want to add more stress on him. Although it would be late, Shawn is still the father and he deserves to know.

Karen and Manuel had always loved you and you with them. They gave you parental love when they found out that you were an orphan. You were grateful that you had met them.. but, you were still nervous about the announcement.

'What if they think that it was a mistake?' you start to thought. 'Would it be because we're not even engaged yet?'

You were now sitting in the living room with Karen and Manuel. They looked at you worriedly because of your unusual silence.

"Are you feeling alright Y/N?" Karen asks you with concern.

"I-I have something to tell you."

The two glanced at each other before turning back to you. "You can tell us anything Y/N. You're our family now." Manuel says reassuringly.

After more silence, you take a deep breath. "I'm pregnant." you say quickly but quietly.

The room fell silent. Well that was until Karen and Manuel over burst with joy.

"I'm going to be a grandmother?"

"And I'm going to be a grandfather!"

You were surprised when you notice how happy the two looked. The mood in the room was immediately lightened up. A sigh of relief escaped your lips.

"You're not mad?"

"Why would we be mad Y/N? We're happy!" Karen exclaims joyfully.

"Well I mean.. we're not even engaged yet and.. uh-"

"Nonsense dear." Manuel cuts you off. "Married or not married, this is a life in your belly that we're talking about. We couldn't be happier."

Tears started to form in your eyes. You were happy, and relief.

"Have you told Shawn yet?" Karen asks eagerly.

You shake your head. "Actually-"

"Tell me what?" you jumped at the sudden voice.

Head turned around and you saw that Shawn was standing there, confusion written all over his face. Your sweat drop.

"Uhm" you looked down, still trying to gather the words.

"Y/N is pregnant!" Karen couldn't hold it in anymore and blurted it out with excitement.

Shawn was silence. Your eyes couldn't bear to meet his. "I'm going to be a dad?"

Slowly, you muster up the courage to lift your head. You were surprised to see Shawn's reaction. He was... crying?


"Oh Y/N. Why didn't you tell me earlier?" by now, Shawn squats down in front of you, gently holding your shoulders.

"I-I was going to tell you.. but then you had news about your world tour, and I didn't want to stress you out because I know how stressful it is going on tours and-" a kiss cuts you off from talking.

"Y/N..." he breaks the kiss and looks at you lovingly. "yes the tour can be stressful, but this is not. I love you, and I'm going to love our baby too."

"Shawn..." tears had involuntarily rolled down your cheeks.

You couldn't express how happy you felt. All the worry that you felt was nothing at all, because the man you love, loves you too.

Shawn's thumb wipes your happy tears with a smile. He gives you a kiss before kneeling down on both knees in front of you.

He lowers his head, hands on your belly. "Hey there," he whispers. "I hope you'll be a girl as amazing as your mom."

You giggle at how adorable this moment was. Now you can't wait from the future.

It's going to be your future together


I enjoyed writing this so much, it was too adorable.

~ Nichelle

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