XVI: Finally Meeting Him *REQUESTED*

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A/N: First of all, this imagine is requested by @Dxrkgrier , I am so sorry for he months of waiting, I have been very busy because of my exam, but now that the exam is over, I can finally update... Hope you enjoy XD

XVI: Finally Meeting Him

( Tijen's P.O.V. )

I'm so excited! I'm finally gonna meet Shawn Mendes and I just can't contain my excitement! I have been supporting him for 3 years now, and I am one of his biggest fan ever! I really love him, I love his songs, his personality and even his cute obsession with muffins.

My parents got me tickets to go to his concert tonight, and the best part is, I can literally meet him at meet and greet. Gosh, can this day get any better?

Yup, it just did.

Shawn comes on stage and the whole stadium screams, even me. He looks awesome with his plain grey t-shirt and black jeans. His guitar in his hands and that smile plastered on his face.

Why does he have to be so damn good looking?

" Hello everybody! " Just those words got everyone screaming again. " Looks like everyone is excited. " he laughs, and gosh his laugh really got my heart racing.

" Shawn I love you! " I screamed as hard as I can, obviously knowing that he won't hear me, even though I was at the front row, but I still wave my hand hoping that he'll notice.

His eyes suddenly landed on me and he laughs. " I love you too. " he waves back at me, and I swear my heart just stopped, I can't believe he waved at me!

His song ' Treat You Better ' started playing and everyone sang along with him, his voice is just so amazing!

After the concert, everyone lined up for the ' Meet and Greet ' session. I tried to patiently wait for my turn and it payed off. Soon it'll be my turn to meet Shawn freaking Mendes!

" Hi. " Shawn smiles at me when it was my turn, then his eyes lit up. " Oh, you were the one that screamed I love you to me right. " he chuckles.

I blush. " Y-yeah. "

" So, do you have any pose you wanna do? " he asks me.

" Uh, can we do a pose that you carry me and my legs are wrapped around your waist? " I said embarrassedly.

He grins. " Sure. "

I give the guy who was supposed to take the picture my phone.

" Ready? " he asks me.

I nod. I go nearer to him and my arms wrapped around his neck, soon I felt him carry me and my legs quickly wrap around his waist. He stares into my eyes and I stare into his. Those eyes are amazing.

" Done! " the guy holding my phone yelled.

" Uh, sorry. " I said and Shawn carefully puts me down. " Thank you. " I said to the guy and also to Shawn. " It was really nice meeting you. " I said to Shawn.

" It was nice to meet you too. I hope we meet again soon. " he grins then winks at me.

This is the best day ever!


First of all, I want to apologize if the way I describe at a concert is wrong, cause I've never been to one ever :'(

- Nichelle

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