XX: Hate Is A Strong Word ( part 2 )

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A/N: Okay, so this was highly requested by almost all of my dear reader :) Sorry it took so long to publish a second part :( but here you guys go ;)

XX: Hate Is A Strong Word (part 2)

( Y/B/F/N ) - Your Best Friend's Name

( Y/L/N ) - Your Last Name

( Shawn's P.O.V. )

What have I done?!

" ( Y/N )! " I run to her car and pulled her out of the car carefully and brought her away from it. " Shit, shit, shit. " I laid her head on my lap.

The ambulance came in less than five minutes with it's loud sirens. The paramedics rushing out of the ambulance, carrying the stretcher.

They place the stretcher on the ground. " Sir, please move aside, " one of the paramedics says to me. " we need to get her on the stretcher. "

I nod as I slowly take a step away. " Is she going to be okay? " I ask as they put her gently on the stretcher.

" Are you her guardian? " one of the paramedics ask me after they put her in the ambulance. I nod. " Hop on. "

I get into the ambulance, the doors closed and we were headed to the hospital. I held her hand, praying that she would be okay.

Please be okay. Please. Please. Please.

Then I hear the words that I hoped not to hear. " Hurry! We're losing her! " Oh God, please no. I felt the driver drove at an ever faster speed than before.

At exactly one minute, we arrived at the hospital and the paramedics helped ( Y/N ) into the hospital. They raced her to the operation room and I was stopped by a nurse.

" Wait here sir. " the nurse instructed. I looked at her one more time before the automatic doors were in my way.

I sat at the nearest hospital bench and hide my face in my hands. It's been an hour now and I was getting impatient.

" Shawn! " it was Cameron and ( Y/B/F/N ), " What happened? Is she alright? " ( Y/B/F/N ) hurried over, she knelt down beside me.

" I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. " I felt a tear dropped from my eyes.

" What happened? " she asks me.

" W-we fought, I went t-too far. And then there was an a-accident. " more tears rolled down my face.

" Oh. " she covered her mouth and sat on the floor, tears rolling down her face.

" Shh. " Cameron helped her up and at her on the bench, comforting her. " It's gonna be okay. " she cried on his shoulder.

" It's all my fault. " I said again.

" It's not your fault Shawn. " Cameron gave me a reassuring smile.

I sigh. " Even if it's not. She will never forgive me. I've hurt her Cam, she's broken because of me, she's like that because of me. " I pointed towards the operation room. " You should have seen her when I held her at the accident site. "

Soon a couple more hours passed and the surgeon along with the nurses finally comes out. I get up and went straight to them.

" How is she? " I stopped the surgeon in tracks.

He gives me a smile. " She's going to be fine. But you should let her rest. "

I nod happily. " Thank you, " I smiled. " thank you so much. "

" Shawn, how is she? " Cameron and ( Y/B/F/N ) slowly went to us. I gave her a nod and a smile. " Oh, thank God. " she hugs Cameron happily.

The surgeon smiles at us. " She is very lucky to have survived it. " I couldn't helped but smiled more. " I'll leave you three be. "

" Thank you. " I said once again and the surgeon walks off along with the nurses.

" Can we go see her? " Cameron asks.

" The surgeon advised us to let her rest before seeing her. " I said and the other two nod at me.

" I know, let's go buy her flowers! " ( Y/B/F/N ) said excitedly.

Cameron and I laugh at her. " What am I going to do with you. " he puts an arm around her. I smile at how happy they are together.

( Y/N ) and I used to be like that. We loved spending time together. Oh how I wished we were like that once again.

" You two go, I'll wait here. " I insisted.

" Okay, call us when she's awake. " I nod.

30 minutes passed and a nurse called for me. " Shawn Mendes, ( Y/N ) ( Y/L/N )'s guardian? " I nod my head. " Follow me, she's awake now. "

The nurse led me to her room. She entered first before me. " Miss ( Y/L/N ), someone is here to see you. "

I take a deep breath before slowly entering the door. Her eyes got watery as soon as she saw me.

" Shawn. " she called out to me.


Should she forgive him or should she not? Part 3 will be based on your choice ^^

But first, next imagine will be requested so stay tuned ^^ and again, I am so sorry for the late update, I was just so busy with school </3

Sorry again, and see you!

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