XXXI: Promise

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A/N: requested by @Wryliegh


XXXI: Promise

Wryleigh wakes up on an early Saturday morning, wondering if she should be productive of just stay in bed for the whole day.


A message pops up on her phone that causes a smile to appear as soon as she sees his name. 'Wake up! I have the whole day planned for us!'. In that instant she remembered that staying in bed was never an option when her childhood best friend is always the reason for her productivity.

Yet she never really mind because she learned to grow into his personality, maybe even a little too much... Just as she replied to his message, another one pops up from her F/N, the closest friend to her other than Shawn.

'Remember! Tell him how you feel! It's the last day!'. Immediately her heart that leaped a second ago, ached as if something was squeezing it. She realises the reason behind his message, she's moving tomorrow morning. They recently finished high school and the only college that she got accepted in is at another state.

Today is her last day with Shawn.

After getting ready for the day, Wryleigh glances at her room full of boxes before leaving her house to meet Shawn at their neighborhood park. "Wryleigh!" her face brightens as soon as she laid eyes on him, with his arm waving around like a kid.


Putting an arm around Wryleigh, Shawn looks at her with a serious face which only made her blush. "Are you ready to have the best day of your life?" his serious face turns into a huge grin.

"You bet!"

"Let the day begin!" Shawn pulls her to his car and they head of to the happiest place on earth.


As soon as they arrive, Wryleigh gets all excited because she has always wanted to come here but never had the chance due to her parents' busy schedules. "Let's go! Let's go!" Wryleigh pulls Shawn by the hand excited;y after handing their tickets that Shawn had already prepared.

"Woah, slow down!" Shawn could only chuckle at her reaction. " I promise that we'll go on all the rides that you want."

"It's just so exciting! I can't believe you brought me here." Wryleigh shows her gratitude through a hug.

"Anything for my best friend." Shawn smiles. "Now before we raid this place, we need to blend in."

Confused, she looks at Shawn, wondering what idea he has this time. "Here," on her head is a Minnie mouse ear headband. "now we fit in, and we match." Shawn puts on his Mickey mouse ear headband too.

While still in disbelief, this time Shawn holds her hand tight and leads her throughout the whole park. The day went by perfectly, they went on all the rides that Wryleigh wanted, took tons of pictures, and most importantly made lots of memories.

By the time it was the highlight Disneyland, they stood as near to the castle as possible. It's like a dream come true, coming to Disneyland with the one that means the most to her. At that thought, Wryleigh instantly felt heartache again, remembering that this will only last tonight and she'll go back to reality as soon as the leave.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Shawn notices the sadness in her eyes.

"It's nothing."

"Come on, we've known each other since birth. You know that you can't hide anything from me."

"I-" she looks down at her feet, trying not to cry. "I don't want the day to end yet."

"Hey, look at me." Wryleigh forces herself to make eye contact. "The night is still young, and besides, my plan for today is not over yet." he gives her a warm smile that she loves so much.

After the beautiful fireworks ended, they get into his car and Shawn takes them to somewhere. Somewhere that nobody was around, it was a quiet yet peaceful place. Shawn had brought them to one of their favourite spots, on top of a hill where they can see the whole city.

"This is beautiful." Wryleigh's breath was taken away at the beautiful city lights at night. She never really took the time to appreciate the little things in her life, just like all her moments spent with Shawn.

Wryleigh feels like crying, she doesn't want to leave her hometown, her friends, her family, Shawn. If only Shawn goes to the same college as her, but she knew that would be selfish because she knows his passion for music.

At this moment she knew, she knew that she needs to tell him his feelings. Of course it would break her heart if he didn't feel the same way but she can't just leave tomorrow without lifting this feeling off of her chest.

"Shawn..." she trails off, before gathering up the courage to actually look at him.

"Hmm?" Shawn is still staring at the beautiful city lights as Wryleigh takes in all his beautiful feature that makes her heart jump every single time.

"I, want to tell you something."

There was a moment of silence before Shawn looks at her, locking the eye contact between them, as if asking her to carry on her question.

"I-uhm, I like you. No, I love you." God knows how badly she wants to look away but she can't help herself getting lost in his soft gaze.

The question didn't even seem to faze him. He is still looking at her with such a soft gaze. "I know." a huge grin appears on his face, but causes Wryleigh to blush.


"Wryleigh, everyone knew. Well except you." immediately she smacks his arm in embarrassment. "Oww!"

"Now I feel stupid!" Wryleigh looks away, hiding both her frustration and embarrassment. "You know what, let's go home."

"Wait," Shawn grabs hold of her arm before she could leave. "don't you want to know how I feel?"

"From the looks of it, I don't think you feel the same way."

"But what if you're wrong?" Silence filled the air, but it isn't an awkward silence. It was more like a comfortable silence. "I love you too Wryleigh. I always have."

Tears filled her eyes, making her vision blurry. Wryleigh is happy that Shawn feels the same way but that also means that she has another reason why she doesn't want to leave.

"I want to stay with you."

Shawn embraces her in a hug and she cries even more. She wants time to stop, she wants to spend every moment with him.

"I know, I do too." he gently kisses the top of her head. "But you need to go pursue your own dream, and besides, we can make long distance work."

"But-" she's finally able to compose herself and look up at Shawn.

"I promise that I'll call you every morning and every night." he places a kiss on her forehead. "I'll always love you no matter how far we may be."


Not a second to spare, Shawn catches her lips with his and kisses her passionately. The kiss is sweet, as if they can feel the genuine feelings that they have for each other and they know that they can make it work.



A/N: I hope you're satisfied with your request Wryleigh! And I'm sorry if it didn't turn out the way that you wanted, but I had fun writing this.

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-Instagram: @NichelleMD


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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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