XV: Best Birthday Ever! *REQUESTED*

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A/N: Happy birthday to @Clifford95sos !! I'm not sure where you're from, and what date/time it is, but where I'm from, its already 28/07 :) Since today is your special day, I think I'll make this imagine longer just for you ;) ENJOY :D

XV: Best Birthday Ever

B/F/N = Best Friend Name
L/N = Last Name
E/C = Eye Color

( Danae's P.O.V. )

Today, ( B/F/N ) and I are going to Shawn Mendes' and Cameron Dallas' concert, and the best thing is, today is also my birthday!!

Now ( B/F/N ) and I are getting ready for the concert, and words can't explain how freaking excited I am right now!

" I can't believe I'm going to see Shawn Mendes on my freaking birthday! " I said to ( B/F/N ) excitedly.

" I know right. It's just not fair, you're are so lucky! " she says as she curls her hair.

After half an hour of getting ready, we finally head to the concert. We bought VIP tickets, which is a good thing, cause those were sold out in seconds!

At the concert, the VIPs are told to go in before everyone else. Not complaining about it, we head into the stadium feeling excited. When we were already inside, we saw Shawn Mendes and Cameron Dallas already on stage with a smile on their faces. This caused all of us to scream excitedly.

" Hello, you all are very lucky to have gotten VIP tickets, because now, Shawn and I are going to invite one lucky person among everyone here, to be on stage with us later. " Cameron said as everyone scream again.

" Okay, so we are going to pick a name from this box, " Shawn said holding up a box. " this will determine who will go on stage with us. "

Everyone was screaming and praying to be that lucky person. I was bot confident that I was going to get picked.

" It's not going to be me. " I manage to say to ( B/F/N ) with all the screaming. She just shrugs at me.

" And that person is, " Shawn reads the paper. " Danae ( L/N )! "

My jaw drop as ( B/F/N ) looks at me and clap, making everyones head to turn their attention to me, even Shawn and Cameron.

" Come on up Danae. " Cameron said as he motioned me to go up the stage.

I go up the steps slowly as I earn glares from every girl there, and it sent shivers down my spines. When I was up on stage, it felt like Shawn Mendes was staring at me. Thinking that's impossible, I shake it out of my head.

( Shawn Mendes' P.O.V. )

" And that person is, " I read the paper. " Danae ( L/N )! "

Someone clapped for her and everyones attention turned to her, my heart stopped the moment I saw her face. She's Beautiful!

" Come on up Danae. " Cameron said as he motioned her to come up.

She slowly goes up the stairs and when she reaches up here, I notice that she is shorter than me, which is so cute. We made eye contact and I noticed she has ( E/C ) eyes, it was breath taking.

" Okay, so Danae, you are going to join Shawn and I on stage later during the concert. " Cameron said with a smile.

" Thank you so much. " she says, gosh, even her voice is cute! " Can I um, take a picture with you guys? " she asks.

" Sure. " I said, a little too fast.

" Thank you. " she smiles, oh my gosh, her smile.

She hands her phone to one of the security and he takes a picture for us, she stand between Cameron and I. She smells good, she smells like berries.

" Thank you again. " she says with a smile. She was about to go down the stage.

" No hug? " I suddenly blurt out. I hide the tone with a pout.

( Danae's P.O.V. )

" No hug? " Shawn says with a pout.

" Sorry. " I walk towards him and hug him, trying to hide my blush.

" Shawn! Today is Danae's birthday! " ( B/F/N ) suddenly shouts when I release the hug. I glare at her, but she kust gives me a wink and a thumbs up.

" Really? " Shawn asks.

" Yeah. " I said embarrassedly.

" Well then, happy birthday! " he says and gives me a quick peck on the cheek. Only one thing was playing in my head that time.



Well there you go @Clifford95sos !! And happy birthday again!! Also, a little credit to my friend ansheaan for the idea for this imagine <3

- Nichelle

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