XXIII: Christmas Movies

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A/N: Here is the second imagine of Christmas Special Countdown! Just 2 more days 'till Christmas people!!

XXIII: Christmas Movies

" Shawn, " you said lazily, finding Shawn in the living room sitting on the sofa while playing with his guitar.

" Mmm? "

" What are you doing? " you walk around the living room, not knowing what to do.

" I'm writing a song baby. " he seems so focused on his guitar, with sheets of papers in front of him on the coffee table.

" Shawn, let's watch some Christmas movies. " you told your boyfriend, sitting down next to him to the sofa he was already sitting on.

" And why would I do that? " he asked, still focusing on the sheets in front of him.

" Well, because you're my boyfriend and you love me. " you reasoned, placing your hand over his.

" I don't know if that's a good enough reason. " he teased, finally looking at you

" And because there's hot chocolates and endless cuddles if you do. " you grin at him.

" You do drive a hard bargain (Y/N), " he smiles, giving you a peck on the forehead. " Fine, I'll watch them with you. "

You gave a small cheer, met by a chuckle from Shawn. You quickly went to gather up the materials and ingredients you needed to make the hot chocolate you promised. Meanwhile, Shawn cleans the coffee table and quickly puts his guitar in his music room.

" Shawn, a little help? " your voice muffled due to the blankets covering your face. Shawn quickly went and get the blankets from you and went back to the kitchen to take the hot chocolates you made.

" So, what are we watching first? " Shawn asks as he takes a sip form his hot chocolate. " This is delicious. "

" We're watching Home Alone. " you said playing the movie, then go back to cuddle with Shawn under the warm blanket.

" Is it the one where the boy gets left behind by the family because they forgot to bring him along to the airport? "

I looked at him. " Yup. "

~ time skip ~

" I mean, how can his parents even forget him in the first place? " you hear Shawn shouts from living after the movie finished and you were in the kitchen making more hot chocolate.

" They had lots of kids to handle, they just forgot. " you answer back coming back from the kitchen with two mugs of hot chocolate in both hands, then placed them on the coffee table.

" But that kid, he was so brave throughout the whole thing. "

" You're right, he was smart in surviving. " you look through other Christmas movies.

" I hope our future kids would be as brave ad smart like that. " you look at Shaw and he's already grinning. " Just think about it, they'll have my brains and looks, " you glare at him. " and your personality. " he continues.

" Why are you suddenly talking about kids? " you mumble as you put in the next movie and went back to sit beside Shawn.

" Come on, we're going to talk about this topic sooner or later. " Shawn smirks at you. " So why not sooner? " his face gets closer.

You blush. " I- I mean, w- we can talk about t- this some other time. " you avoid eye contact with him. " Besides, we're supposed to watch Christmas movies now. "

" You're right, " he moves away, staring at you for a few seconds before he chuckles. " but my baby sure looks cute when she's embarrassed. " he pinches your cheek.

" Idiot. " you pout. But just realizing that you're here watching Christmas movies, wrapped in warm blankets and cuddling with the one you love, just puts a smile on your face.

As the next movie starts, Shawn wraps an arm around you, pulling you closer to him and kisses the top of your head.


How about this imagine? I thought it was kind of cute when I was writing it. 2 days until Christmas!!

- Nichelle

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